My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 449 The Traitor of the Ling Family

Chapter 449 The Traitor of the Ling Family

"Wh...what? Jin... Jin Wangdi Wushang?!" Meng Yulan's voice changed, and her admiration for staring at Di Wushang was instantly bursting, and the pink blood was almost out of her eyes.

"Meng Yulan of the Tianwu Sect, led the members of the Tianwu Sect to kowtow to His Royal Highness King Jin! May King Jin enjoy the immortal blessings forever, and live as long as the heavens!"

"May King Jin enjoy the immortal blessing forever, and live as long as the sky!"

After Meng Yulan's words fell, all the disciples of Tianwuzong kowtowed to Di Wushang one after another as if they had been beaten with chicken blood.

For them, the Emperor Heitan of the Great Desert Empire was someone from Central Continent, and their suzerain was best friends with the princess of the empire, so they took the initiative to attribute themselves to the Great Emperor of Central Continent.

After all, in today's five continents, the Great Emperor Dongzhou who can stand shoulder to shoulder with Emperor Zhongzhou is dead, and the former Great Emperor Xizhou is also dead. Today's Eastern Continent has long been divided and has become the pocket of the princes of Central Continent. The new Great Emperor Xizhou is also the Great Emperor of Central Continent cronies.

Therefore, the entire Central Continent has long been dominated by the Central Continent Great's family, and they are naturally proud of being a force under the Central Continent Great.

Now, when they knew that the person standing in front of them was the son of Emperor Zhongzhou Qianzhong and Emperor Jin Wushang, the pride and pride that permeated from the bottom of their bones made them really unable to help but lie on their knees at this moment. Kneeling and licking in front of Di Wushang.

After all, they might never see such a noble person in their entire life.

However, today, such a person suddenly came to their Tianwuzong.

This is simply more exciting than Tianwuzong's sudden descending of a god and Buddha!

Seeing that everyone was kneeling down, but Di Wushang did not let himself kneel down, the woman in the water red dress was secretly delighted, and asked, "His Royal Highness, why did you come to Tianwuzong? This is close to the forbidden area." place!"

As far as she knew, Emperor Qianzhong of Central Continent had issued a ban on their prince, not allowing him to step into the battlefield of that year.

"It seems that you know a lot." Di Wushang's eyes showed murderous intent.

However, the woman didn't see it, and continued to say with joy in her eyes: "Yes. My father mentioned this matter to my little girl."

"Are you Hei Zimo, the daughter of Heitan, the emperor of the Desert Empire?"

Hei Zimo's eyes brightened in an instant, and under the envious and jealous eyes of Tianwu Sect Master Meng Yulan, he was so happy that he almost lost his way.

"The little girl was still working as a maidservant in His Highness King Yu's mansion at that time. On that day, the little girl poured tea for His Highness King Jin, and His Highness Yu Wang introduced the little girl. I thought it was just a brief meeting at the beginning, and His Highness King Jin had already forgotten about the little girl. Really. I didn't expect His Royal Highness King Jin to still remember my little girl. My little girl... how honored!"

"Hmph, this king doesn't even pay attention to Emperor Wuhen, so how can he remember you as a mere lowly servant girl from Prince Yu's mansion?"

Di Wushang's words chilled Hei Zimo's heart, and he was about to cry, as if he had been hit hard.

But the people of Tianwuzong were terrified, they were so frightened that they didn't dare to breathe out.

After all, this is the person who regards the high princess of their empire as an ant.The other party doesn't even give the princess a good face, let alone them!

Hei Zimo hurriedly knelt down in the air and apologized: "His Royal Highness Jin, calm down, my daughter and His Royal Highness only met once, so I just heard His Highness Jin mentioned my youngest, so I thought... I thought..."

(End of this chapter)

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