My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 451: Emperor Wushang is Dangerous

Chapter 451: Emperor Wushang is Dangerous

"Little Tian'er, come out and collect the soul soon."

"……it is good!"

Even though he was inside the flying boat, Ling Tian could hear everything said by these people outside.Just as he was shocked by Di Wushang's identity, Di Wushang's voice sounded.

Ling Tian hurriedly ran out and collected the souls of more than a dozen masters above the level of the Orange Spirit King into his own space.

Facing the disciples of Tianwuzong who were scared away, although Ling Tian was not a person who practiced wanton killing, she still spoke out for the safety of Emperor Wushang.

"Di Wushang, they all heard your conversation just now, they can't stay, otherwise you will be in danger."

A gratified and narrow smile flashed in Di Wushang's eyes: "It turns out that in Xiao Tian'er's heart, my safety is more important than all of them combined."

"Of course! Otherwise, do you think your life is less important to me than theirs?"

"Seeing that you don't even want to kill one more bird on weekdays, so I thought you didn't want me to kill them."

That's why he deliberately said those words to the disciples of Tianwuzong just now, and deliberately let all the disciples of Tianwuzong know his identity.He just wanted to test whether Ling Tian was really merciful and reluctant to kill.

After all, what she will face in the future is an extremely powerful enemy.If she is merciful and soft, she may fall into a place of eternal doom at any moment.

If she can't even take this step, then he will definitely not let Ling Tian take revenge.

He will do it alone to avenge his godfather and godmother.

"You are so stupid! I don't want to kill innocent people, because after killing them, my karma points may be reduced. Why do I work so hard to accumulate karma points? Isn't it to make myself stronger , to be able to stand side by side with you, to be able to know who my father-killing enemy is as soon as possible, and then avenge my parents.

If my kindness will make you fall into a place of eternal doom, or even lose you, then what do I need these karma points for?What's the point of me increasing my strength? "

Ling Tian's words made Di Wushang laugh.

Laughed from the bottom of my heart.

I really didn't expect his little Tian'er, who seemed to be in a daze, was actually such a shrewd little girl.

In this way, he was completely at ease.

"Hey, you still don't kill them, in case you miss one..."

"Boom boom boom boom-"

Ling Tian was reminding Di Wushang that below them, the entire sect of Tianwu Sect exploded under a huge spiritual force.

A powerful shock wave instantly swept across a radius of several miles, and a sect that was only lush with vegetation before, is now full of flying sand and rocks, and the smoke is filled.

When the place below returned to calm, Ling Tian couldn't help but part his red lips slightly when the vaguely visible silhouette was revealed again.

Because the sect several miles below has been completely turned into ruins.

This is the power of Lingzun!

All buildings and lives within a few miles can be destroyed with just a few gestures!

"They're all dead?" Ling Tian asked in shock.

"Well, they're all dead." Di Wushang nodded.

"Has anyone escaped?"

"No, after I came to Tianwuzong, I set up an enchantment here, and no one can go out."

Ling Tian nodded: "That's good, then let's go. We still have to go to the Desert Empire."


Di Wushang nodded, took Ling Tian's hand and returned to the flying boat.

However, the two who left hand in hand did not realize that at the moment of Hei Zimo's death, a Taoist talisman completely recorded the scene.

(End of this chapter)

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