Chapter 452
As the flying boat moved forward, Ling Tian just quietly accompanied Di Wushang, without saying a word.

Di Wushang concentrated on driving the flying boat, and after waiting for a long time, Ling Tian didn't see him asking him, so he couldn't help asking: "Aren't you going to ask me anything?"

Ling Tian was taken aback: "What are you asking?"

Di Wushang: "...!!"

"Didn't you hear it in the flying boat just now? Don't you have anything you want to ask me?"

Ling Tian said with a smile: "I have many questions that I want to ask, but both you and Uncle Ling said that I am not strong enough, so I will not ask. When I am strong enough, you will definitely tell me. "

The corner of Di Wushang's lips curled up into a smile, and he lovingly rubbed Ling Tian's hair.

His little boy is sometimes violent, sometimes gentle, sometimes silly, and sometimes very smart.

When she should be confused, she should be stupid, and when she should be shrewd, she should be shrewd, as she said, she can play the role of a girl, a queen, play a little fresh, and swallow a heavy taste.

The night was dark and windy, and the capital of the Eastern Qin Dynasty was peaceful and quiet.

Three people in black robes drove a huge flying beast from the east, and they entered the capital in a blink of an eye.

The three of them were panic-stricken and terrified, and they only wanted to rush into the palace that represented the highest symbol of the dynasty.

"Swoosh—boom boom boom—"

The three arrows were shot at the same time, and went through the air.The speed was so fast that it rubbed against the air, making a thunderous sound of breaking through the air.

The three people on the flying beast were terrified, and they used their spiritual power to resist.

However, the strength of the arrow is too strong, even if the three of them realized that the arrow was attacking them at the first time, they were powerless against the attack.

Because two of them were lost, the arrows directly penetrated the defense and shot into the body.


The two yellow-level spiritual saints who were full of yellow spiritual power one moment, turned into a bloody mist like a bursting rotten watermelon the next moment.

The remaining one, who could already see the faint green spiritual power, hid beside the huge flying beast before the arrow missed.

In the blink of an eye, the flying beast and his two companions were gone.

"I am Heitan, the monarch of the Desert Empire. I have an urgent matter to come to see the lord!"

The black-robed man in the air was so frightened that he no longer dared to play mysteriously, and let out a loud roar at the top of his voice.

Although the archer heard this roar, the people in the imperial city also heard it.

Everyone looked up to the sky, with disdain in their eyes.

The monarch of the mere empire, not even the better city lord of the Eastern Qin Dynasty, Zhima, a small official, dared to drive a flying beast to fly in the sky at night.If he does not suffer, who will suffer?It deserves it!
"What nonsense? It's just a mere subordinate of the king of the Eastern Qin Dynasty. What qualifications do you have to fly in the sky? What qualifications do you have to trespass on the imperial city after the curfew? Don't you know that every day in the imperial city? Is it only open for two hours every day? If you want to ask to see the monarch, please come early tomorrow!"

While speaking, a man wearing silver armor has slowly risen from the height of the city gate. The light green spiritual power all over his body shows that he is a real green spirit saint.

"Commander Shen!" Heitan narrowed his eyes slightly, he didn't expect his luck to be so bad, he met his old enemy when he first entered the capital of the Eastern Qin Dynasty - Shen Bo, the commander of the imperial guards.

"I am not asking to see the king, but the lord. I heard that the lord has come to inspect the dynasty. I have to report something in advance."

(End of this chapter)

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