Chapter 455
The man who sits in the upper position and is respected as the "Master" is none other than the No. 13 prince of Emperor Qianzhong of Zhongzhou, Emperor Yu Wuhen.

After the death of Emperor Dongzhou and the empress, the huge Dongzhou was divided up by the 17 princes of Emperor Zhongzhou.And the Eastern Qin Dynasty is the property under King Yu's command.

"You just already know the 'behind the scenes'?"

The lazy voice carried the majesty of the superior, and Heitan broke out in a cold sweat. He quickly knelt down on his knees and kowtowed: "The villain Heitan pays homage to the lord. The villain really knows who the 'behind the scenes' is." Yes. This person, Lord Master, also knows him, and...he is very familiar with him!"

After hearing Heitan's words, Di Wuhen moved his fingers slightly, and the beauties who were massaging him and the beauties dancing below leaned down one after another.

"Do you know that the emperor attaches great importance to this matter. Once the king makes a move, he must ensure that the blow is in place. Otherwise..."

"Please rest assured, my lord. This villain can guarantee that there will be no accidents in this matter, and I will never embarrass my lord. If I lose face, this villain is willing to bear any punishment from my lord."

"Yeah." Di Wuhen nodded in satisfaction, sat up a little more upright, and said to the king of the Eastern Qin Dynasty: "You also go down."


Although I really want to know what this so-called "behind the scenes" is and who this person is.But he knew that although he was the dignified king of the Eastern Qin Dynasty, he was nothing in front of such an honorable person as His Royal Highness King Yu.

After the Eastern Qin Monarch bowed and stepped back, a huge purple spiritual power surged out from the Shangguan's body in an instant, protecting the entire palace.

Even if people outside want to eavesdrop, it is absolutely impossible.

"Go ahead."

"Yes!" Hei Tan took a step forward and cupped his fists and said, "My lord, that'behind the scenes' is none other than your seventeenth younger brother, Emperor Jin Wushang!"


As soon as Di Wuhen's words fell, the people around him exuded an aura as majestic as Shangguan's Dharma Protector, directly suppressing Heitan on the ground, unable to move, bleeding from his orifices.

"King Jin, this king, and King Wu are all princes from the same lineage of King Qi. Under the leadership of King Qi Wudao, the four of us have always had a very good relationship. How can you, a mere low-class ant, be able to argue and provoke you in vain? "

That's what Di Wuhen said, but there was already an unconcealable excitement in his eyes.

"My lord, be merciful! How dare the villain talk about His Royal Highness King Jin?! If the evidence of the crime is not convincing, the villain would not dare to say such rebellious words! The villain swears by Lei Jie: Everything the villain said is true. There is half a lie, and I am willing to be killed by the thunderbolt!"

Boom, thunder rang out, but Heitan was alive and well, proving that what he just said was true.

It was a long time after the voice of the black conversation fell, before Di Wuhen asked the people around him to remove the pressure, and asked with narrowed eyes: "The evidence is conclusive? Do you have any evidence?"

"The villain has it!"

Heitan lay on the ground, quickly opened the interspatial ring, took out a Taoist talisman and said, "Although the villain has no status, the Lord must still remember the identity of the villain, right? The villain was named Bai before changing his surname, but it is The cousin of Dongzhou Empress Bai Yunjian."

"What does this have to do with King Jin?"

"I don't know if His Royal Highness Prince Yu still remembers the famous Daoist Master Tongtian?"

(End of this chapter)

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