My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 456 Emperor Wushang's Criminal Evidence

Chapter 456 Emperor Wushang's Criminal Evidence
"Of course I remember." Di Wuhen said: "That is the existence that even the king's father is very afraid of. But with the fall of Emperor Dongzhou, didn't he disappear? Daoist Master Tongtian didn't participate in the battle back then. .”

"That's right. But before the villain was kicked out by my cousin, I was very close to their family. I was lucky enough to get a Taoist talisman from Taoist Master Tongtian. This Taoist talisman is named Zi Mother Mirror Symbol."

"You actually have a mother-child mirror image symbol!" Di Wuhen's eyes narrowed again, and an imperceptible brilliance appeared in his pupils.

"Yes. For many years, the villain has held the mother talisman and given the child talisman to the little girl. As long as one of us encounters an accident, the other person can fully see the quarter of the other person's death and the quarter of an hour after his death. screen."

Di Wuhen's lips gradually revealed a seductive smile, and his voice was not as lazy as before.

"It's interesting, let's continue."

Heitan laughed and said, "I won't say much about the rest, this mirror image has completely recorded the events before and after my daughter's death."

After that, Heitan pinched the mother symbol in the mirror image symbol with spiritual power, and a scene similar to a modern 3D picture was displayed in front of Di Wuhen's eyes.

In the mirror image, although Di Wushang was wearing a mask, his aura enough to overwhelm the world and his long silver-gray hair floating like a bath made him instantly recognizable by those present.

Under the record of the mirror image symbol, the whole process of Di Wushang's destruction of Tianwuzong was shown in front of Di Wuhen and his two spiritual guardians.

Di Wushang did admit that he was the "behind the scenes" that Emperor Zhongzhou had been tracking down for many years.

Although the screen only recorded half an hour before and after the death of the deceased, this half hour was enough to make Di Wushang fall from heaven to hell.

After the video ended, the entire hall fell into a strange dead silence.

After a long time, Di Wuhen murmured.

"It is said that my Emperor Wuhen is a genius fighter in Central Continent. At only 135 years old, he has already broken through to the peak level of Qinglinghuang. Even the third brother Di Wudao no longer believes in me as before, but Be on guard against this king everywhere, thinking that this king is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

Hehe, if I let them know that my good seventeenth brother has already broken through to the level of Lingzun at the mere age of 77, I really don't know what kind of storm it will cause in the imperial capital! "

When Di Wuhen spoke, his tone was sour, and it was hard to hide the envy and hatred in his heart.

"You said, how could he have broken through to the level of Lingzun at a mere 70 years old?"

Looking at a dark duck behind him, a skinny old man, Di Wuhen's eyes became even more jealous.

"It is definitely impossible for him to cultivate to the Spirit Venerable by himself at the age of 77, so he can have today's strength, he must have encountered some extraordinary adventure and inherited some extraordinary inheritance."

"That's right! I still remember that in the trial 20 years ago, King Jin almost died in order to cover King Qi. At that time, his strength was only a mere second-level Qinglingsheng. Therefore, he should be here The powerful inheritance obtained in 20 years allowed his strength to soar directly to the level of Lingzun."

Di Wuhen snorted coldly: "Such a thing can happen to him, his luck is really not ordinary. If he doesn't die, there may be a big storm in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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