My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 467 Di Wuhen Seriously Injured

Chapter 467 Di Wuhen Seriously Injured

Ling Tian had never seen Di Wushang injured so badly before.

In front of her, Di Wushang has always been a heavenly existence.

For Ling Tian, ​​with Di Wushang around, she is really not afraid of anything.And her sky can protect her from wind and rain anytime and anywhere.

However, at this moment, the sky has become dilapidated under the attack of these villains.

The moon-white robe was covered in blood.Even the silver-gray hair was stained with bright red blood.Shocking, it made Ling Tian's heart ache.

With the fight between the three spiritual masters, the air was filled with dull and distorted air explosions all the time. Over the entire capital of the Desert Empire, the wind and clouds were changing, and there was the sound of air waves.

Even the people outside the imperial city, who were farther away, fled with their families at this moment.I didn't dare to watch the gods fight that day.

It is everyone's biggest wish at the moment to be able to escape without being affected by the Lingzun fighting.

As for who was fighting in the sky, what did they say...

Hehe, only fools pay attention!
Ling Tian quickly pinched out an obscure spell with both hands, and uttered a spell that no one could understand. Afterwards, the two Spirit Venerables and the far away watched the show with relish, thinking that they would not be able to hurt the emperor who came from him at all. Wuhen only heard Ling Tian say after he finished reciting the mantra: "Qian, Kun, Xun, Zhen, Kan, Li, Gen, Dui, the eight trigrams attack talisman, break it for me!"

Although Ling Tian roared loudly, from the beginning to the end, neither Di Wuhen nor the two Lingzun paid her any attention at all.

In their hearts, Ling Tian is just an ant.As long as Di Wushang dies, Ling Tian will be nothing.

"Boom boom boom boom boom-"

However, when everyone dismissed Ling Tian, ​​eight loud bombing sounds suddenly sounded from Di Wuhen's side.

In an instant, the other party's clothes burst and flesh and blood flew everywhere.The endless screams were also drowned out by the bombardment.


Sima Cheng and Shangguan Fu, who were already in a stable position, were instantly scared out of their wits by the explosion and distracted at the same time.

Di Wushang saw the opportunity, and dealt a merciless fatal blow to the two of them.



Two bombardments sounded on the bodies of the two Lingzun.

The attack that was enough to trigger a huge mushroom cloud unreservedly hit the two Spiritual Venerables, causing them considerable injuries in an instant.

Both of them were knocked into the air, spouting several mouthfuls of blood in the air one after another.

This was also Di Wushang's first counterattack since the two joined forces to attack him.Just once, both of them were seriously injured.

This time, the three Spiritual Venerables were all seriously injured, and the balance was even.

"Xiao Tian'er, thank you."

Di Wushang's voice sounded out of breath and somewhat embarrassed, but his figure did not stop at all, and he attacked towards Sima Cheng.

At this moment, Shangguan Fu has already gone to Di Wuhen's side in order to protect Di Wuhen. At this time, it is a good time to severely injure Sima Cheng.


Suddenly, an extremely huge, mountain-sized, wolf-like spirit beast with a pair of black wings on its body, countless times bigger than Xiaoqi's winged eagle, exuding purple light all over its body, The moment Di Wushang approached, he flew towards him.

The powerful force carried a stench, even if it was protected by Di Wushang's barrier, it instantly stinks until Ling Tian has no idea about life.

(End of this chapter)

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