My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 468 Abusing Ling Tian

Chapter 468 Abusing Ling Tian
"Smelly thing, how dare you hurt me, Ah Shang, die!"

Seeing Sima Cheng's spirit beast, Ling Tian's heart went cold.

Just as she was sweating for Di Wushang, suddenly, a man in a pink suit with big muscles and bulging body snarled, came out of Di Wushang's spiritual consciousness, The sword met the giant beast like a tower.


The gigantic steel-like claws of the giant beast, with purple spiritual power, met the sword of the man in the pink suit.


There was an explosion, and a huge mushroom cloud appeared in the sky again.

However, Ling Tian couldn't quite see what happened afterwards, because Di Wushang had attacked Sima Cheng again immediately.

Di Wushang was seriously injured, and Sima Cheng was also seriously injured. The spirit beast of Sima Cheng Lingzun level fought with the man in the pink costume again, and hearing the screams from the spirit beast from time to time, it was obvious that , that man has gained the upper hand.

Just when the situation began to turn in a good direction, a heart-wrenching scene happened.

"call out--!"

With a flash of white light, a huge pressure hit his face again.

Shangguan Fu also released his spirit beast!

At the very moment, another man in pink clothes stood in front of Ling Tian and the others, resisting the sudden attack.

Ling Tian fixed his eyes and saw that the one attacking them was a giant boa constrictor with three huge snake heads and a pair of fleshy wings.

While the man blocked the python, the flying wolf attacked Di Wushang again. After the man repelled the python, he ran to deal with the flying wolf again.For a moment, he was overwhelmed, and in just a moment, he fell into a disadvantage.

But Shangguan Fu, who released the three-headed flying snake, was standing in the distance with Di Wuhen, who was blown to pieces, and didn't do anything after taking the elixir for him.

Although Di Wuhen had taken the first-class healing elixir immediately, the injuries on his body were still shocking.So while their side still had the upper hand, Shangguan Fu protected Di Wuhen and did not participate in the battle again.

"Sima Cheng, save that little bitch's life for me, I will torture her to death with my own hands!
Di Wushang, your woman is really cunning. I really don’t know if this king will humiliate her wantonly after you die. Will she lick my body and beg for mercy, or will continue to attack me like this? king!Ha ha ha ha……"

After Di Wuhen was seriously injured, his whole body became hideous.The words he said were vile and vulgar, not at all like what a tall prince could say.

Ling Tian was Di Wushang's bottom line. Di Wushang, who had been suppressed by Sima Cheng once again, burst out a loud roar after hearing Di Wuhen's words, like a male who had been wounded and then stabbed. The lion attacked Sima Cheng recklessly.

Sima Cheng's attack on Di Wushang, he would disperse his spiritual power to protect his body before, but this time he seemed to know no pain, allowing those attacks to fall on him, no matter how powerful Lingzun's physical body is, There is no way to resist such an injury.But even if it caused unpredictable injuries and consequences, he would still tear Sima Cheng and the group of people into pieces.

Di Wushang's incomparably sad style of play also made the man in the pink suit feel it. Although he had to deal with Sima Cheng and Shangguan Fu's Lingzun-level contracted beasts at the same time, he had already lost the wind, but his momentum It is more and more fierce.

(End of this chapter)

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