My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 470 The Ant Eats the Elephant

Chapter 470 The Ant Eats the Elephant

The phantom, which had already consumed most of its soul power, gradually returned to its peak state under this continuous "charging", while the three-headed python became more and more sluggish.

"what happened?"

Shangguan Fu finally realized that something was wrong.

His phantom beast had been attacking the air before, and he thought it was Di Wushang's phantom that was causing trouble.

But now that the time for a cup of tea has passed, he can clearly feel that the soul power of his phantom beast is rapidly disappearing at a strange and shocking speed.

The soul power of the ghost-level phantom beast disappeared inexplicably!

Not to mention that Shangguan Fu has never encountered it before, even the entire Netherworld has probably never heard of this problem!


Shangguan Fu saw that the power was wrong, so he wanted to take back his phantom beast into his soul, and warm it up again, hoping to recover.

After all, a person can only contract one spirit beast, phantom beast or phantom in a lifetime.

Especially phantoms and phantom beasts, they came from the Netherworld, and all of them are strong.The lord of the nether world and the king of the human world at that time reached a consensus that once the phantoms and phantom beasts of the nether world choose their master, unless the master dies, they must not abandon each other, and those who violate it will be killed by thunder.

So even if his phantom beast suddenly turned into a waste with no spiritual power, he couldn't cancel the contract.

However, what stunned Shangguan Fu was that no matter how he summoned, he was blocked by an untouchable force.

And when his contract power encountered this force, it was like falling into a swamp, making people powerless.

He could feel that the soul power of the phantom beast was disappearing rapidly, but no matter what, he couldn't break through this strange power and summon the phantom beast back.

The three-headed python has completely panicked. When it was still alive, it was a spirit beast at the level of a spirit master. After its death, its strength declined. Spirit beasts of the spirit level.

But now, how does it feel that it will be completely wiped out, and its soul will be scattered?
"Let me go! Let me go!"

The three-headed giant python is probably already an old monster, and what he said is old sayings.Ling Tian also laughed, he really didn't expect that a rookie at the spirit king level would be the nemesis of the phantom spirits and phantom beasts in the Hunyuan Continent.

Seeing that something was wrong, Shangguan Fu flew over to rescue the three-headed python.However……

"Qian, Kun, Xun, Zhen..."

As soon as Shangguan Fu moved, Ling Tian began to mutter again.

Di Wuhen was terrified, and shouted: "Come back!"

Shangguan Fu paused in the air, his face flushed with anger.

"My lord, that little bastard must have scared you. Something happened to the three-headed python, and the subordinate wants to..."

"Qian, Kun, Xun..." Ling Tian began to murmur again.

"This king asked you to come back! Is your three-headed python important, or this king's life?"

Oh shit!Retarded!Of course, Lao Tzu's three-headed python is important!

Shangguan Fu slandered and went mad, but he chose another direction and returned to Di Wuhen's side.

Ling Tian stayed in the barrier that Di Wushang built for her. No matter how bad Di Wushang was injured, he protected Ling Tian very well from the beginning to the end, and did not let her suffer even the slightest harm.

This also gave Ling Tian enough energy to wreak havoc.

Don't you think she is an ant?
Then she will let these people open their dog eyes and take a good look, the embankment of a thousand miles collapsed in an ant's nest!
(End of this chapter)

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