My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 471 This Woman Is a Treasure

Chapter 471 This Woman Is a Treasure
"What happened to your three-headed python?"

"My lord, the three-headed python under my command is almost dying! Its strength has been reduced by half."

Di Wuhen frowned, and when he couldn't figure it out, suddenly, Di Wushang's phantom body began to glow.

The spiritual power that Hades absorbed from the three-headed python has slowly transferred to him.

Through the conversion of energy, the phantom's strength began to increase rapidly at this moment.

"It's him!" Di Wuhen's face turned pale.

"Yu Jingang, let go of the old man's three-headed giant python quickly! The old man promises that he will never kill you after killing your master today, and let you go back to the Netherworld!"

"Hmph, old man, what are you talking about mythology? My family Ah Shang is my lifeblood, you hurt him like this, if I, Jade King Kong, don't kill all of you today, I will be one of the top ten masters in the Netherworld for nothing! Let me give up my family, Ah Shang, unless I die!"

After Jade King Kong got the blessing of energy, he completely started to fight against the flying wolf.While beating, he also scolded Shangguan Fu!
The voice was so rough that it felt like overwhelming the mountains and rivers.

"Yu, Jin, Gang! You shameless dead shemale! Die Duanxiu! What kind of magic do you practice? You... you let me go! Let go! You don't deserve a good death, my three-headed python Die! You let go of my three-headed python!"

"Hmph, this effect is what I want. Sister, keep helping me!"


Yu Jingang nonchalantly called Ling Tian "Sister", which stunned Ling Tian, ​​even Di Wushang, who was on par with Sima Cheng, was so angry at this "Sister" A stagnation, and a little injury because of this stagnation.

"Shut your stinky mouth!"

Di Wushang roared unbearably.

"Ah Shang..." Yu Jingang said with a face full of injuries, "Sister is a good person, she..."

"Shut up, or I'll take you back!" Di Wushang was about to die of anger from Jade King Kong.

"……All right!"

Yu Jingang felt that he was wronged, and gave Ling Tian a sad look.

With just one glance, Ling Tian felt his goosebumps popping up, and his whole body felt chilly.

Her Phoenix is ​​so pitiful!Such a cold and evil man actually contracted with such a phantom!

She looks as thick as five mountains, and her muscles are as hard as steel, but she has the character of a little woman, and she likes to wear pink!The key, this pink is still tight!

=_=! !
I just can't bear to look straight at it!
The whole King Kong Barbie shape!

No wonder these people are calling him a dead ladyboy!
By the way, does this King Kong Barbie also like her Emperor Wushang?
Hmm... At least the eyes are not blind, and the aesthetics are still good!
Ling Tian thought to himself.

"Hahahaha... dead monster, your master has a woman, it's not your turn!"

"Shut up! I will take you to the Netherworld today!"

Yu Jingang changed his appearance of being an angry little daughter-in-law just now, shouted at Shangguan Fu, and then attacked Feilang more violently.

"My lord, the strength of the three-headed python under my subordinates is only half. If this continues, the three-headed python will die, and the flying wolf will die if it can't resist. It will become Emperor Wushang and Jade King Kong with my subordinates and Sima. In a duel, this subordinate...doesn't have the confidence to defeat Jade King Kong."

Di Wuhen's eyes narrowed slightly: "The disappearance of your phantom beast's spiritual power is because of that woman's tricks! This king said how could Di Wushang fall in love with a woman who is only a mere spirit king? Looking at it now, this woman is really a ghost! Bao, let’s go together, you and Sima Cheng will join forces to kill Emperor Wushang, and this king will be responsible for arresting that woman!”

(End of this chapter)

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