My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 475 The Death of Emperor Wuhen

Chapter 475 The Death of Emperor Wuhen

Di Wuhen felt extremely remorseful, shook his head and said, "No, no! Seventeenth brother, you know that I was injured at the time, so I didn't choose what to say! I...I apologize! I admit my mistake! I kowtow to my younger siblings to admit my mistake!"

After saying that, Di Wuhen began to kneel in the air and kowtow.

"No one can insult the king's fiancée! Misfortune comes from the mouth. In the next life, I will become a human..."

Di Wushang paused and said, "You have no next life. Some things cannot be undone once done."

After finishing speaking, he gave Yu Jingang a wink.

Yu Jingang slapped Di Wuhen with one slap.

Di Wuhen is just a warrior at the peak of the Qingling Emperor, and he cannot compare with a mid-level warrior like Yu Jingang.

Before he even had time to scream, he was slapped out of his wits by Jade King Kong.

For this kind of person, Di Wushang would not allow him to enter the Netherworld with his memory no matter what.Otherwise, when he comes out from the Netherworld again, it will be another nightmare for him.

Di Wuhen died, and the letter mirror symbol on his body began to work.

However, Jade King Kong, who had been prepared for a long time, swayed a burst of fire before the letter mirror image symbol came into effect, destroying the possible mirror image symbols and jade slips on Di Wuhen's body in the first place.

After Di Wuhen's death, only one broken soul orb was left to the great Emperor Di Qian in Central Continent.

But this shouldn't arouse Di Qianzhong's anger, right?
After all, he is a man who only cares about himself.

The son dies, he can have another.

"Ah Shang!"

Suddenly, Di Wushang beside him fell down without warning, and Yu Jingang was so frightened that he flew up to catch him in his arms.

Seeing that Di Wushang was still hugging Ling Tian tightly when he was in a coma, Yu Jingang curled his lips and murmured softly: "You don't even look down on such a man, you thought you were going to choose a man who is astonishing as a man of heaven." , it turned out to be this kind of little sweet soybean sprouts. I really have no vision!"

But having said that, Jade King Kong didn't take the opportunity to take advantage of Emperor Wushang.

Because of the connection with Di Wushang's soul, Jade King Kong took out the flying boat from Di Wushang's space ring without hindrance.

After taking a look at the bottom and making sure that all the people below had died and escaped during the battle, they stuffed the two into the mini airship and left.

It took only a cup of tea for the flying boat to leave, when the void in this area, which had just experienced a fierce battle, suddenly twisted slightly, and two men appeared on top of the ruins.

After looking around for a while, one of them said: "It's strange, the soul-testing orb clearly shows that there are three souls above the level of the Holy Spirit who have fallen here, why are they gone?"

"Didn't one of them break when we rushed over?"

"That's right, but the souls of the other two spirit masters are obviously not broken, so why did they disappear?"

"Could it be that it was actually broken, but the soul-testing orb didn't come out?"

"But look, these two souls still clearly exist, and it's impossible for them to be broken."

"How about...we look for it again?"

After all, the two men in white began to search carefully for the souls of Sima Cheng and Shangguan Fu.

Then half an hour passed, but nothing was found.

The faces of the two of them sank.

"There is only one possibility." One of them said.

The other person nodded, and continued, "Someone snatched the souls of these two spiritual masters before we arrived."

(End of this chapter)

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