My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 476 Picking Up an Injured Man 1

Chapter 476 Picking Up an Injured Man 1
"Who is so bold, dare to fight against my Netherworld? Could it be that he wants to break the principle of coexistence between the human world and my fantasy world?"

"This matter must be reported to the lord and listen to his instructions."

"Okay, let's go."

After all, a crack appeared in the space again, and then the two disappeared.

When the moon is dark and the wind is high, it is time to kill people and steal goods!

She doesn't kill people, she doesn't steal money, she just runs away!

Hua Lixiao flew in the low altitude of the mountain stream at high speed, and every hour, she stuck an "Air Dao Talisman" on her body.

Air, as the name suggests, means that people treat you as air.

If you are hunted down, the air talisman can reduce the chance of being discovered. If you are caught by the enemy, it might kill you, but with the air talisman, you may be able to escape a robbery.

This is the 29th day since she married Gu Qianchou.

Originally, the third day was the homecoming day, and the groom should accompany the bride back to her natal home to visit her relatives.

But as far as her relationship with Gu Qianchou is concerned, can she expect him to treat her well and accompany her back home?

If he doesn't kill her and let her be rebuilt, her ancestors have already accumulated virtue!

But this is exactly what Hua Lixiao wanted!

On the third day of homecoming, Gu Qianchou left without saying hello.She waited for a long time before the servants of the marshal's mansion came to tell her that the marshal was away on business, so she had to go back by herself.

At that time, the servants of the Marshal's Mansion all cast mocking and disdainful glances at her, thinking that she was a majestic Marshal's wife, and she became a concubine right after she married.

That little concubine of Gu Qianchou was even more extreme, she came to tell her that there were no carriages or beast carts, and that a young lady like her must have a flying boat, right?

Then the concubine let her go back in her own flying boat.

The four dowry maids she brought from the Huafu to the Marshal's Mansion were dispatched by Gu Qianchou to work in the Moonlight Room on the night of the wedding under the shoddy excuse of not doing well.

The moonlight room sounds nice, but it is actually a special place for toilets.

Ever since, she has no maid and no car.

And the maids that Gu Qianchou assigned to her were actually the concubine's people, so when she returned home, those maids had stomachaches and headaches, so they didn't accompany her.

These people thought she would be sad, but unexpectedly, when Hua Lixiao walked out of the gate of the Marshal's Mansion empty-handed, her heart was full of joy!

God absolutely loves her!

A person, to Hua Lixiao, is completely like a bird flying high in the sky.

She wasn't really Hua Liming in the first place, she was disgusted with Huafu and her cheap father Hua Yukun.

Not to mention the Marshal's Mansion.

No matter how handsome and good-looking Gu Qianchou is, he is still a scum who wants to beat women, and he is still a scum who has a woman and a son.

She was blind to care about this kind of person.

So after Hua Liming changed her appearance, she left the imperial city as quickly as possible.

And today, it has been 29 days since she escaped from the Marshal's Mansion.

As time passed, as the capital became farther and farther away from her, Hua Lixiao's mood became better and better.

Although she didn't know how to get to the outer land where Ling Tian was, she still had a way to find it in the Azure Dragon Empire.


An extremely thick bolt of lightning tore through the sky and fell, and then, there was another deafening explosion in the sky.

(Huahua is going to sacrifice her life! Scattering flowers~)
(End of this chapter)

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