My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 477 Picking Up an Injured Man 2

Chapter 477 Picking Up an Injured Man 2
Although he was mentally prepared the moment he saw the lightning, Hua Lixiao was still scared when the explosion came.

Oh shit!

After being abused by those idiots Hua Yukun and Gu Qianchou, I lost my courage!I'm afraid of thunder!
But to be honest, there are really too many thunders in Leishan!
A series of thunderstorms seemed to be free of money, falling from the sky non-stop, with almost no time to stop.

It is said that these lightning strikes are so fierce that even the powerful Lingzun dare not touch them.Therefore, once the dark clouds gather, Leishan will instantly become a barren land.Especially when the sky thunder started to fall, even the strong Lingzun didn't dare to pass by here.

But such thunder is a piece of cake for Hua Lixiao.

Hua Lixiao effortlessly inscribed the words "insulator" on a Taoist talisman, and then stuck the Taoist talisman on her body.

In this way, even if this is a minefield, as long as she doesn't happen to be struck by the lightning, nothing with its own lightning can hurt her at all.

After all, she has now become an insulator.


Suddenly, a man's roar came from not far away.

The voice sounded extremely painful, as if this person was suffering from inhuman torture.

This person was very close to her. Hearing the sound, the distance was at most 50 meters.

"Uh... uh-"

Hua Lixiao stopped, listened to the man's painful groans, and hesitated whether to help him.

After all, she is a person who came out of the Taoist temple, and she still has a compassionate heart in her bones.

Although she is now a mud bodhisattva, she can't save herself, but she feels that she still has no way to die.

But only two steps out.


Another thick thunderbolt fell from the sky.

Hua Lixiao's body froze.

She practiced Taoism, and she was very sensitive to the perception of nature. She could sense that the thunder just now should have just hit the man just now.

Such a powerful sky thunder, the thinnest one is as thick as an adult man's calf. The key point is that the sky thunder on this continent is different from the lightning on the earth where she was before. The degree of rage and destructive ability contained in it are simply incomparable to the lightning in the previous life!It only takes one finger the size of a little finger to kill a Spirit Saint Warrior.

Such a powerful and unparalleled force, once it falls on the human body, it will undoubtedly die.

Because this mountain is called Thunder Mountain, it has been subjected to the power of thunder all year round, so the whole mountain conducts electricity very well.

After the two terrifying thunderstorms fell just now, Hua Lixiao could even see the current passing between the green grass on the grass she was in.

The man was so close to the place where the thunder fell, even if he was not struck by the thunder, he should have died.

After listening carefully, the painful groans just now disappeared, and the world ahead was completely silent.

Now that he was dead, Hua Lixiao didn't plan to take care of him anymore, turned around and walked towards the other side of the mountain.

"Ah... ah—ah..."

The sound of moaning in pain came again, this time, it was worse than the one just now.

Not even dead!

But that voice sounded like, if you don't save him, there is really only a dead end.

After hearing the sound, Hua Lixiao immediately turned around and flew towards a place 50 meters away.

With just one glance, Hua Lixiao saw the man.The battered body barely had a single piece of intact skin.

(End of this chapter)

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