My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 479 The Farmer and the Snake

Chapter 479 The Farmer and the Snake
Hua Lixiao led the man to escape from this land of thunder and lightning quickly, never thinking that the story of the farmer and the snake would almost repeat itself on her body.

Sensing the strangeness of the man, and making sure that this place is relatively safe and secret, he put the man down.

The next moment, Hua Lixiao was shocked.

At this moment, under the radiance of thunder and lightning, countless tiny lightning bolts were rampaging in the man's heart. The heart, which was originally no more than the size of a fist, had been expanded to occupy half the size of the chest cavity.

The heart contracted sharply under the pain, countless blood was squeezed out by the heart, flowed out along the seven orifices, and flowed down the man's mask.

The spiritual power that was able to continue to function under the impact of the force of thunder and lightning just now was completely unable to function under the extreme pain.

The power of lightning began to impact other internal organs, blood vessels, and even meridians.

Once the meridian is destroyed by the power of lightning, let alone cultivation, even if the man is alive and survives, he will not escape the fate of becoming a cripple.

Although he was very reluctant and distressed, Hua Lixiao still took out six blank Dao Talismans from the system, and then wrote a few obscure words on the Dao Talismans with the Dao method.


Just when the man gave up hope and looked at Hua Lixiao wondering what he was thinking, Hua Lixiao slapped a Taoist talisman on his chest.

A golden light from the Dao Talisman instantly entered the man's body, protecting the man's heart which was swollen to the point of bursting.

This golden light is completely different from the power of the five elements in this continent. It does not belong to any system of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. It is a power that is free from spiritual power.

Although this power is weak, it is very useful.

Under the protection of this force, the restless power of thunder and lightning gradually became docile.

After confirming that it was useful, Hua Lixiao took another five Taoist talismans on the man.


She can only engrave 12 of her precious Taoist talismans a day, but now she has spent 6 of them to save a stranger who has nothing to do with her.

Hua Lixiao felt that her heart was hurting.

But Hua Lixiao was relieved to see the power of thunder and lightning gradually docile in the man's body.

After all, saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. Although this is a distorted world, she is a girl with very righteous views.

The spasm gradually disappeared, and the man's eyes gradually cleared up.When the physical pain receded a little, the man immediately circulated his spiritual power, and began to direct the power of lightning in his body to gradually circulate towards his dantian.

Under the control of the golden light, the thunder and lightning obediently hoarded in the body, and now under the guidance of spiritual power, it began to gather along the tendons towards the dantian bit by bit.

Hua Lixiao was surprised to find that after the lightning force passed through the man's meridians, not only did it not burn his meridians, but instead made his meridians stronger.Those dark blue meridians, like lightning bolts, made the man's whole body look very powerful.

Finally, with the help of Hua Lixiao, all the power of thunder and lightning was guided into the man's dantian.

The dantian, which was originally the size of a fist, has been swollen to a large size at this moment.

It is reasonable to say that the man's condition at the moment should be much better, but looking at his trembling body, it still seems uncomfortable.

"I'm leaving, do you still have any pain? Is there anything I can do for you?"

If Hua Lixiao knew what was going to happen next, she would definitely turn around and leave without saying a word, and even took advantage of the man's pain just now to kill him directly!

(End of this chapter)

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