My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 480 Evil slaves deceive the master

Chapter 480 Evil slaves deceive the master
Hua Lixiao's scolding made the expressions of the two maids change, not only did they not have the slightest fear in their eyes, but were full of disdain and hatred.

Another servant girl sneered and said, "Oh, calling you madam, do you really think of yourself as madam? I thought you were smart, and you had already picked up the plane and left. But I never thought that you were a shameless bitch. Seeing that our aunt was not paying attention, she ran out and hooked up the marshal. A bitch like you is not even worthy of carrying shoes for my aunt. What right do you have to yell in front of us?

Let me tell you, this Marshal's Mansion is our Auntie Hu's head!You are nothing but a puppet!Recognize the reality, stay in this mansion peacefully, stay away from our Generalissimo, you may still be able to survive in this mansion, otherwise...

Hehe, do you know how your sister Hua Furui died?She just doesn't accept her fate, and always feels that she is the real wife of the Marshal's Mansion. She wants to pester the Marshal like a vixen, and fights against our aunt, but our aunt tries to frame her, and then goes to the Grand Marshal. The marshal blew the pillow wind, and the marshal killed her in a fit of anger, without even giving her a chance to explain, and the eldest daughter of the majestic Huafu died just like that.Got it? "

Hua Lixiao looked at the two maids and sneered, "So you are threatening me?"

"Hmph, so what if you threaten you? If you are sensible, don't hook up with the Generalissimo, otherwise Hua Furui will be your fate!"

"Hook up?" Hua Lixiao snorted coldly: "As for a cold-blooded man like your Marshal, I don't even bother to hook up! But, you guys are so brazen and disrespectful to me, do you really think I can't do anything about you?"

"Hehe, does the lady want to sue us in front of the marshal, or is she going to sue the emperor today? If she wants to sue in front of the marshal, our aunt will definitely intercede for us. Do you think the marshal will Will you listen to your words, or will you listen to our aunt?

As for the lawsuit against the imperial court... Hua Lixiao, I advise you to give up your mind!Our Grand Marshal is highly valued by the Emperor, as long as my aunt doesn't want us to die, she will beg the Grand Marshal to spare us.As for the emperor, do you think the emperor will let the marshal be deflated because of your displeasure?Once you sue the imperial court, the Generalissimo will definitely not like it, and when the time comes back, he will not know whether it is us who suffer or you who suffer! "

Hua Lixiao nodded, looked at the unscrupulous maids, and showed a smile that they couldn't understand, but they hated.

This smile made their hearts shudder.

After laughing, Hua Lixiao continued to lie down and sleep.

Seeing Hua Lixiao lying down again, the servant girl became anxious for a moment.

"Hey, did you hear me calling you up? The Generalissimo and Auntie have been waiting outside for a long time!"

"They wait for them, what does it matter to me?"

"Why is it none of your business? You were called by the Emperor to participate. If you dare not go, do you think the Generalissimo will let you go?"




"What did you hit me for?" Angie was depressed.

"Hehe, you slap me too."

After hearing An Ran's words, An Ji understood instantly, and hit An Ran's face with a "slap".

The two servant girls are both spiritually powerful, and their cheeks swelled instantly after such a beating.

"Hua Lixiao, since you don't want to be an obedient puppet, then you should have a good look at it today. Even if we are just two dogs next to my aunt, our position in the heart of the generalissimo is much stronger than yours."

(End of this chapter)

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