Chapter 481
"Come on, hurry up and report to the Generalissimo, saying that Madam didn't want my aunt to attend the palace banquet, so she vented her anger on us and beat us up."

"Okay." The two maids outside the door clearly knew what happened in the house, but at this moment they agreed without ambiguity at all, and they ran away quickly.

Hua Lixiao looked coldly at the two servant girls who suddenly knelt down in front of her and smiled sullenly at her.

Just because she doesn't want to cause trouble doesn't mean she's afraid of trouble!

She Hua Liming, since she has decided to abandon everything and come here for her friends, she is not afraid of wearing shoes with bare feet.

Since she can't escape, then everyone should not think about living a good life.

Why is she unhappy in the world alone?
Since she is not happy, then don't be happy!

What good deeds?What forbearance?All the fuck out of my mother!

Soon, Gu Qianchou came over with a cold face, and behind him was Hu Ziqi, who had an expectant face.

"What are you going crazy about? You heard the emperor asked you to attend the palace banquet a month ago. Are you planning to resist the order?"

This is the second time Gu Qianchou has spoken to him since they got married.

The first time I spoke was to warn her in the new house, telling her not to talk nonsense, otherwise she would die a hundred times worse than Hua Furui.

Come in today, still no good words.

Hua Lixiao looked Gu Qianchou up and down.

At this moment, he was wearing black marshal-level soft armor and a black brocade brocade robe with gold bronzing and cloud patterns. With his height of 188, he was simply the standard equipment of the ancient God of War.Serious, steady, dignified and decent, coupled with that good skin to a certain extent, really...

People die like dogs!
Dare to turn down the soft armor collar of the high collar?

She remembered that she left a lot of scratches and bite marks on his neck and chest last night!

She is clearly a beast in clothes, but she still wants to pretend to be abstinent and cold!

"Hua, Fu, Xiao! This handsome man is talking to you!"

Gu Qianchou spoke again in displeasure, as a warning to Hua Lixiao.

"Ma'am, I know that my identity is not favored by Madam. Originally, I didn't want to participate in such a banquet, so as not to embarrass my husband. But my husband wanted to take Rui'er, and Rui'er pestered his father all the time, saying that he wanted to marry me. My husband agreed to participate. If Madam is upset, I... Ruier and I don't have to participate. After all, we came from humble backgrounds. "

After all, without waiting for Gu Qianchou to speak, Hu Ziqi said: "Husband, Madam doesn't want my concubine to participate, then... I will not participate in this concubine's body! Originally, this kind of occasion is not suitable for people with the status of a concubine's body." join."

After all, Hu Ziqi said pretending to be indifferent.

Seeing that she said that, Gu Qianchou took another look at Hua Lixiao's stinky face, and subconsciously nodded.

Seeing him nodding, Hu Ziqi felt a "thump" in her heart, almost staggering from the blow.

Just when Gu Qianchou felt that there was no need to let Hua Lixiao stop going to the palace banquet because of such a trivial matter——

"No! I want my mother to participate!"

Outside, the brat Rui'er who pretended to shoot Hua Liming with a sword made of wax ran in.With an aggrieved look about to cry, he grabbed Gu Qianchou's sleeve with his small hand and said:

"Daddy, I want mother to participate! I want mother to participate! You promised Rui'er that mother will participate!"

Gu Qianchou was softened by the child's words, and looked at Hua Lixiao: "It was the commander who agreed to let Rui'er go."

(End of this chapter)

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