My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 482 I have something wrong!

Chapter 482 I have something wrong!
"I can't expect you to help me take care of my child after entering the palace. Aunt Hu is Rui'er's biological mother, so I agreed to let Aunt Hu go. If you get into trouble because of such a trivial matter, then you are making trouble for no reason." .”

Hua Lixiao looked at the family of three in front of her like an idiot, feeling extremely speechless.

Gu Qianchou took a step forward: "Hua Lixiao, there is a limit to my patience!"

Feeling Gu Qianchou's coercion, and Hu Ziqi's aggrieved face standing behind her, Hua Lixiao felt that enough was enough.

"Who told you that I didn't go to the banquet because of your little concubine? From the beginning to the end, I didn't seem to say a word? You are all talking, and I just listen!"

"Since it wasn't because of Aunt Hu that you didn't go to the banquet, then why did you beat these two maids? They just said that Aunt Hu would go too, so you did it. Do you really think that the Marshal's Mansion is a place where you can do whatever you want? " Gu Qianchou asked displeasedly.

"Hehe." Hua Lixiao said with a smile, "Why did I beat them? I have something wrong with me and I beat them for no reason? Which green onions are they? They are just two lowly maids. I don't even bother to beat your concubine. Why beat them?"

"But, Anji and Anran have slap marks on their faces! How can you open your eyes and talk nonsense about things that even children can discover?"

That brat Rui'er looked up at her pretendingly innocent face, and exposed Hua Liming on the spot.

Before, she didn't care about Hu Ziqi and this brat, because she thought it was unnecessary to leave anyway.

But seeing that the time to escape from the Marshal's Mansion has become so far away, Hua Lixiao feels a sense of tragedy.

Facing the five-year-old child, he sneered without giving in at all: "That's right. Although you are still a child, you are the best at talking nonsense with your eyes open. At that time, you beat yourself up and vomited blood. The maids and servants are clearly watching, why do they all say that I beat you? If I hadn't presented evidence in the end, wouldn't I have been charged with child abuse?"

After Hua Lixiao finished speaking, Hu Ziqi pulled Rui'er to her side, and knelt down for Gu Qianchou as if protecting her calf.

"Husband, I have really repented of what happened last time, and I promise that I will never let Rui'er do such a thing in the future. But today's matter has nothing to do with Rui'er!"

Gu Qianchou also became irritable, and said, "Hua Lixiao, just say what you have, don't gossip about him! You don't mean to tell Ben Shuai that Rui'er did this again, right?"

"Gu Qianchou, I really doubt whether you, the Marshal, were acquired by buying and selling officials. So, people with high strength really don't need to rely on their brains to live? You don't have the ability to judge such an obvious thing?"

Hua Lixiao was also on fire, she felt that Gu Qianchou was not only a beast in clothes, but also a reckless idiot.

"Hua Lixiao, don't think that you can act unscrupulously in front of me because you saved me last night!" Suddenly, Gu Qianchou's secret voice rang in Hua Lixiao's ear.

Hua Lixiao looked at Gu Qianchou, if eyes could kill, she would have killed this beast ten thousand times with the eye knife.

So, it really was him!
At this moment, Hua Lixiao was so regretful that her intestines were knotted!
With a sneer, the secret voice said: "So this is your attitude towards your savior?"

(End of this chapter)

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