My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 485 I'm Dealing With You

Chapter 485 I'm Dealing With You
Then, in the confusion of Hu Ziqi and the two maidservants who didn't know anything about the mirror image talisman, and Gu Qianchou's faint excitement after seeing the mirror image talisman, a picture appeared in the air.

In the picture, Hua Lixiao was rudely thrown off by two maids, who did not know how to be polite.

Before they could speak, the two girls said that Hua Lixiao was just a wife in name, don't really treat herself as the master.

Afterwards, the two men threatened Hua Lixiao to stay away from the Generalissimo, and not to seduce the Generalissimo, otherwise they would let her keep company with the dead Hua Furui.

He also said that Hu Ziqi hated Hua Furui because he was trying to seduce Gu Qianchou before, so he was framed by Hu Ziqi, and finally killed Gu Qianchou by blowing wind on his pillow.

After that, the two slapped each other, and then asked the two dead maids to report that Hua Liming did not attend the banquet because they knew that Hu Ziqi was going.

After Hu Ziqi saw these pictures, her whole body became paralyzed, and she kept saying, "Demon method! Demon method! You are a demon method! How can there be such a Taoist talisman in the world? It must be you using the demon method. It can't be done. Why did you frame me like this? Why? Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Madam, she slandered my concubine with demon methods, you must not believe it!"

However, when she was talking, the Mirror Image Talisman was still showing Gu Qianchou and what happened after she came in, completely recreating the previous events without changing a single word.In an instant, Hu Ziqi turned pale with fright.I simply don't understand how such weird things can appear in the world.

"He didn't slander you. Although this kind of mirror image symbol has almost disappeared in Hunyuan Continent, it was made by a super powerful man named Daoist Tongtian back then."

As Gu Qianchou said, he reprimanded Hua Lixiao displeasedly: "You woman, to use such a precious Dao talisman on such a trivial matter, is really reckless!"

Hua Lixiao was taken aback for a moment, she didn't expect that Gu Qianchou also knew her master.

But when he saw Hu Ziqi's disgusting face, he sneered and said, "In the eyes of Marshal Gu, what is the big deal? The righteousness of the country? The dominance of the emperor? Or how to bring down the prime minister's mansion?

I'm just a little girl, all I care about is my own life.I don't want to die inexplicably like Hua Furui, so I think this Mirror Image Talisman is worth the money! "


Gu Qianchou was speechless.He feels that women really can't show face, otherwise, if you give her some face, she can climb on top of your head!

But thinking of her saving his life last night, she endured it.

But just because he endured it, it doesn't mean that Hua Lixiao, the high-cold goddess who has already blown her hair, can bear it.

Walking in front of Hu Ziqi who was limp on the ground, Hua Lixiao said condescendingly:
"Mirror image talisman, deal with a disgusting woman like you, who looks holy, dignified, weak, and charming when facing a man, but is an extremely vicious and vicious white lotus-like woman when she is behind her back.

Hu Ziqi, I'm not going to grab a man from you, you take your man, I'm not interested!But don't think that I'm the kind of person who can let you step on your head and shit at will. "

Gu Qianchou frowned slightly when he heard Hua Lixiao's words.

What do you mean she's not interested?

At this moment, Gu Qianchou felt a little uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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