My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 486 You Bad Woman

Chapter 486 You Bad Woman
Although he would never be able to fall in love with Hua Yukun's daughter, but since she was married to him, she was Gu Qianchou's justifiable wife, and she dared to say in front of him that she was not interested in him!

Hua Lixiao raised a nasty smile and said: "I'm curious, how did you blow the pillow wind in front of Gu Qianchou, sow discord, and finally kill Hua Furui with Gu Qianchou's hand?"

At this moment, Hu Ziqi's face was completely pale from fright, she shook her head helplessly at Gu Qianchou, and could only keep saying the same sentence——

"Husband, it's not like this! Listen to me, it's really not like this!"

The mouth kept saying explanations, but there was no real explanation.

Hua Lixiao sneered and said: "Do you know, with this mirror image talisman, I can give it to the Hua family and the emperor at any time.

Then you guess, you are a lowly aunt who framed me that day and was almost given to death by the emperor. If the emperor or the Hua family knew that you were the real culprit who designed to frame and kill Hua Furui, you think they would let it go You?

Only now did Hu Ziqi realize that the seriousness of the matter was no longer a simple matter of telling Gu Qianchou not to be angry.

In this matter, Hua Lixiao has already got her handle.Her life is always in Hua Lixiao's hands.

Rui'er, who was already frightened, vaguely understood what the adults said, knowing that her mother's life was threatened, she clenched her fists tightly and shouted at Hua Lixiao with resentment:

"You are not allowed to kill my mother! You bad woman, I will not allow you to kill my mother!"

"The bad woman is your mother, not me! Five years old, not too young, you can't tell the difference between good and bad. Apart from teaching you intrigue, your mother doesn't even let you know right from wrong?"

For Rui'er, a brat, Hua Lixiao has absolutely no intention of giving in to him.

Rui'er's mind has already been trained by that perverted woman, Hu Ziqi, to not look like a child.

Although she didn't hate Rui'er the way she did to Hu Ziqi, she wanted to torture this bitch to death, but she would never think of her being a good stepmother and giving him good looks.

Sorry, can't do it!
"Father, kill this bad woman quickly, she is going to kill mother. Kill this bad woman quickly!"

Gu Qianchou said: "Cheng En, take the young master out."

After the words fell, Gu Qianchou's guards suddenly appeared and carried the yelling Rui'er out.

"Call together all the servants and maids in the backyard, drag these two scumbags down in front of them, and beat them to death with sticks. Tell them, whoever dares to make similar mistakes in the future will end up just like them .”

"Grand Marshal, please spare me! We know we were wrong!"

"We won't dare to do it next time!"

"Grand Marshal, please forgive me—"

The two maids were dragged out, and the room was instantly quiet again.

Hu Ziqi is a smart woman, and her white lotus has reached a certain level.At this time, she didn't even beg for mercy for herself.It's just that Qiqi Ai Ai collapsed on the ground, with a look of repentance, Hua Lixiao really wished that Ye Chuchen was there.

If Ye Chuchen was there, maybe she would take out two piles of shit from the toilet for her to eat, first!

"This matter is generally caused by these maids who don't have eyes. This commander has already executed the maid, and promised that no maid will treat you like this again. Now, give the commander the mirror image talisman." .”

(End of this chapter)

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