My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 489 The Benefactor

Chapter 489 The Benefactor
Hu Ziqi's eyes lighted up with her head buried, then she shook her head and said, "My wife and I are already like this, she definitely won't want to see me go. I... I'd better not go."

"You don't have to care about what she thinks. Marrying her is just a stopgap measure. I just don't want you to conflict with her. After all, she is Hua Yukun's daughter. Once you fall into someone's trap, even if I help you, I'm afraid that Hua Yukun won't let it go, understand?"

So in other words, even though Qian Qiu doesn't like her, he doesn't like Hua Lixiao either?
At this moment, because Hua Lixiao stayed in Gu Qianchou's room, which she had never stayed in before, and she was extremely jealous after staying with Gu Qianchou for a month, finally calmed down.

It turned out that Gu Qianchou was angry not because he had fallen in love with Hua Lixiao, but because he was worried that she would be harmed by Hua Lixiao.

So, when he learned that Hua Furui was framed by her and used him, he was not angry with her.

"Qianqiu, you... aren't you angry with me?" Hu Ziqi asked pitifully.

"You and your wife are my saviors. Without you, where would I be now? Stop talking, and prepare to pack up and go."


Mountain darkly, vista.It is the portrayal of Hu Ziqi's mood at the moment.

After leaving Gu Qianchou's room, the hatred in Hu Ziqi's eyes reappeared.

It was clear that Gu Qianchou did not accept her affection, but at this moment, she put all her hatred on Hua Lixiao.

But she knew that Hua Lixiao now had something to kill her, so she had to think long term.

Ling Tian lay in a daze, she could vaguely feel the sound of the outside world, but she couldn't wake up no matter what.

In the past, when the soul was depleted, it usually only needed to lie down for ten days and a half months to recover.But this time she knew that by crushing Lingzun's yin lamp with the body of the spirit king, her soul also suffered the most serious trauma since she grew up, and no matter how long she lay down, she would never be able to recover automatically.

Ling Tian tried to drive his soul into Tong Tianyu's aura-filled space, so as to nourish his soul inside.But she found that she couldn't even control her thoughts.

If you can't even enter the space, it is even more impossible to run the mental method of "Onmyoji Secret Record".

What should she do?
Emma, ​​she doesn't understand.Since she can have so many thoughts, why can't she enter her own space?
Ling Tian guessed in despair that according to his injuries, he might have to sleep like this for three to five years, first slowly accumulating the power of his soul, and then using the accumulated power to find a way to enter the Tongtianyu space, using The aura inside comes to repair your missing soul.

In other words, in the next three to five years, she will be a vegetative person!
I was mourning, but the automatic prompt sound of the system in the space suddenly sounded in my mind.

"Ding, in view of the serious depletion of the master's soul power, leaving only remnants, the system automatically turns on voice communication."

Ling Tian: ... so humane!She loves the system!
"According to the master's current strength, it is recommended to purchase the soul restoration technique - "Soul Restoration Technique". Do you need to buy it?"

"Yes!!!" Must!Ling Tian was overjoyed, and immediately answered with remnants.

""Spirit Restoration" requires 5 karma points. May I ask the owner if he needs to buy it?"

(End of this chapter)

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