Chapter 490 Loans

Ling Tian is embarrassing, after buying the inheritance of the second-grade alchemist and the second-grade weapon refiner last time, she only has 1499 points.

"Forget it, I don't have 5 points."

"Master's current karma points are 51499 points."

Ling Tian was taken aback: "Why are there so many?"

"Depending on the level and severity of the thing killed, the point rewards are different. May I ask whether to use this point?"

"Use!" Without any hesitation, Ling Tian decided to use it immediately.

The [-] points should be obtained by killing Shangguan Fu.

Killing a person actually earned 5 points! ! !

"Ding, the "Soul Restoration Technique" has been purchased successfully. This technique can quickly restore the soul for the owner until the soul is healed."

Feeling the spells that appeared in her mind, Ling Tian tried her best to perceive them, but with her current power of soul, she didn't have the power to start memory inheritance at all.

Then what is the use of her spending 5 points to buy this exercise?

"May I ask if the master needs to introduce the exercises?"

"Yes!" Must!Otherwise, she doesn't know how to use this thing.

""Spirit Restoration" is divided into three levels: entry level, minor achievement and great achievement. "Spirit Restoration Art" that can be purchased at the Spirit King level is entry level, the Spirit Saint level can be purchased with small success, and the Soul Emperor level can be purchased with great success. Entry needs to be operated The mental method repairs itself, Xiaocheng can help others to repair, and Dacheng can automatically repair."

"So you mean, I bought Xiaocheng, and there is no way to automatically repair it, so I have to run my own mental method?"

"Ding, the answer is correct."

=_=! !
"Then why do I buy this? I can't even enter the space, so how can I use my mind?"

"The master can ask the system to repair it on his behalf. Running the mental method for a week will cost 10 points. Will the master repair it immediately?"


Although I feel that this system is a bit like a profiteer, and it costs 10 points to run a week, but after all, it has given me help in the snow, and she doesn't have to lie here and be a vegetable for three or five years.

The mental method was running quickly, and Ling Tian comfortably enjoyed the service of the system, and the comfort brought by his spiritual power being restored a little every time he worked for a week.

Just when Ling Tian was too comfortable, the system notification sounded again.

"Ding, there are only 9 points left in the points, which cannot support the operation."

Ling Tian: ...

"But I still can't enter the space." Ling Tian said depressedly.

"In view of the good credit of the owner, the system can provide 3 small points loans. Do you need a loan?"

shrimp? !

Can this thing still be loaned? !
(^ o ^)
This system is really powerful to the limit!

Such a comfortable service, Ling Tian happily agreed almost without thinking about it.

After all, points are for people.

In Lingtian's dictionary, there is only open source, no closure.

She is the one who will never let herself suffer no matter what.

Then the system automatically borrowed money and began to repair the damage to her soul.

Ling Tian was so comfortable that he slowly lost himself in this extreme comfort and fell asleep.

When she woke up again, although she hadn't opened her eyes yet, Ling Tian could feel that everything around her was clearer than before she fell into a coma.

Not only was her spirit fully restored, but it also became stronger and thicker.

With a change of mind, Ling Tian came to Tong Tianyu's space.

(End of this chapter)

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