Chapter 491 Sister
After Xiaobai, Xiaotu and other idiots saw the revived Ling Tian, ​​they ran up to her to act coquettishly, show cuteness, and beg her for love.

Only the Flying Wolf at the Spirit Venerable level looked coy after seeing Ling Tian.Clearly happy, but embarrassed to speak.

"Big guy, talk!"

Xiao Bai is now a little boy's voice, asking loudly to Flying Wolf in an old-fashioned way.

Flying Wolf's eyes flickered slightly, and then he spread his wings and saluted Ling Tian, ​​and said awkwardly: "I have always hoped that the master will wake up, and I am very relieved that the master can wake up."


Xiaobai rolled his eyes, covered his eyes with two white fleshy paws, and fell to the ground from the air without love.

Behind Xiaobai, a group of spirit beasts trained by it to be stupid and cute also followed Xiaobai's example, and fell backwards with a look of lovelessness.

Looking at the depressed Flying Wolf again, Ling Tian couldn't help covering his mouth and laughing.

Letting a thousand-year-old spirit beast with this group of little guys is really a test of Flying Wolf's IQ and sentiment.

"Flying wolf, you are welcome to join our big family."

Feilang hurriedly said: "It's my honor to be able to make a contract with the master. The space is full of spiritual power, and I like it very much."

"Just like it. From now on, you will treat this place as your own home and practice hard."

"Yes. Thank you, master."

However, when Ling Tian was in a happy mood, when he looked up and saw the column of karma points, he felt bad all of a sudden.

Fog grass!

what's the situation?
Why did the points become "-32400 points"? ? ?
"System, you profiteer, come out! I only borrowed 3 points, why do I owe 32400 now? How did you get the extra 2400 points?"


System blind tone.

Ling Tian waited for a long time without waiting for the system to answer, and finally found the reason in an inconspicuous corner.

Pay off the loan within 3 months with an interest of 8%, pay off the loan within 4 months with an interest of 20%, pay off the loan within 5 months with an interest of 50%, and pay off the loan within 6 months with an interest of 80%, and Accompanied by a system strike.


It meant that if she didn't finish it within three months, she would have to pay back 36000 points in four months.If you don't finish it, you will have to pay back 45000 points in five months.If it's still not finished in five months, 54000 points will be repaid in half a year, and her system will be deactivated directly!

Ling Tian felt that his whole life was not good.

Is this a system mall?
Did she accidentally break into a black shop?

Is this a loan?
Usury is not so black!
If she knew this earlier, she would never fall asleep no matter how sleepy she was!
Originally, a few thousand points were enough to allow her soul to enter the space, and then according to the inner strength method, she could run around the sky by herself, instead of the system running automatically.

In the end, the cheating system used up her 3 points while she was asleep...

Does she have to kill another Linghuang level, a strong man who is so bad that he will be scum?

Ling Tian had the urge to cry.

"Sister, are you awake?"

Suddenly, an extremely rough voice sounded in Ling Tian's ear, and Ling Tian was so startled that he sat up all of a sudden, looking warily at the person who was standing on the edge of her bed calling her.

This is a man who looks like steel. He is 2.1 meters tall, and his protruding muscles are comparable to steel bars.

However, he was wearing a sleeveless pink suit. Although it was an ancient style suit for men, but...

Ling Tian still couldn't stop his chills.

(End of this chapter)

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