My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 492 Spicy Eyes

Chapter 492 Spicy Eyes

She remembered this man.

Jade King Kong!
The phantom of her Phoenix.

Seeing Ling Tian's vigilant expression, the five-year-old man covered his lips with a smile, and sat down on the edge of the bed quite familiarly.

Keep your legs together, your hands on them, and your back straight.She looks like a well-bred lady.

Oh my goodness!

At this moment, Ling Tian felt that his scalp was going numb.

What kind of evildoer did her Fenghuang contract?

Seeing that Ling Tian's face changed when he saw him, Yu Jingang covered his lips and smiled again, and said like a confidant big sister: "Sister, you don't have to feel embarrassed. You are Ah Shang's lover, and I love Ah Shang In the future, you can call me Xiaoyu or Ah Gang. Of course, I hope my sister can call me younger sister."

"Why...for...why?" Ling Tian felt that his speech was a little unclear.

"Oh, my sister is so annoying, you know it well!"

Yu Jingang blushed with embarrassment.

But the problem is, he looks so dark and red again.The color is like the visual impact of a burly, black-skinned man wearing a pink suit——

I can't bear to look straight at it! ! !

( ̄▽ ̄)! !
So what he said meant that he wanted to share the rhythm of Emperor Wushang with her?


Why did you feel sweaty when you first got up?

At this moment, Ling Tian finally understood why Di Wushang was unwilling to show her the items in his contract.

Before, she was curious that Xiao Qi had such a powerful winged eagle, and the spirit beast contracted with a strong man like Di Wushang must be even more powerful.That's why he asked to see Di Wushang's contracted beast more than once.

Now, finally see it.

The one contracted by Emperor Wushang is the phantom spirit with the highest status in the fantasy world.

And his phantom is indeed very strong!


And the strength seems to be stronger than Di Wushang.

But facing the other party's appearance of waiting for her "big sister" to admit his identity, Ling Tian felt so cheated.

I couldn't stop shouting in my heart: Di Wushang, quickly take back your Vajra Barbie!
Xiaoyu, Ah Gang, and younger sister, she couldn't even cry out. After a long time, Ling Tian asked, "Where is... Di Wushang? Where is he?"

When Yu Jingang heard this, a sad look appeared in his eyes: "Ah Shang's injuries are serious, and the old disease has not recovered before he fought with two spiritual masters, which led to the recurrence of the old disease, and he is still in a coma."

Ling Tian was shocked, and jumped out of bed as he spoke: "What's going on? Is it powerful? Will it be life-threatening? What kind of old disease does he have? Is it related to using secret techniques?"

"Sister, don't worry, I've given Ah Shang the healing elixir, and it won't be life-threatening. Although his old illness broke out, fortunately, he didn't forcefully use the secret technique to improve his strength a second time, which led to his illness. It's out of control. So...the problem shouldn't be too big."

Hearing Yu Jingang say that Di Wushang's life is safe, Ling Tian let go of his heart.

At that moment just now, she felt that the blood all over her body rushed straight to her brain instantly, and her brain became hot, even her eyes turned black.

"What old disease does he have? How did this old disease come about? Can it be cured?"

"Ah Shang's old illness, let him tell you in person in the future, if I tell you his secret, he will not be happy with me when he finds out."

Although Ling Tian wanted to know what Di Wushang's secret was, since he didn't tell her, she couldn't ask.

(End of this chapter)

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