My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 493 Di Wushang Still Comatose

Chapter 493 Di Wushang Still Comatose
A man who regards your life as more important than his own, Ling Tian will never doubt anything about him.

Because any doubt is a blasphemy to this feeling.

But she was really worried about his old illness.

Thinking of how he led her to escape quickly while spurting blood, Ling Tian felt that he never wanted to see such a scene again.

It's so worrying.

So distressed.

At this moment they were still on the airship flying to Beizhou, and Di Wushang was placed in her brother's room by Jade King Kong.

Looking at Di Wushang, who was soaked in blood, with his eyes closed and his face pale, as if he was in a sea of ​​blood, Ling Tian was so heartbroken that his heart was knotted.

This man who accompanied her to grow up all the way, encouraged her, loved her like a husband, pampered her like a father and elder brother, and held up a sky for her, just fell down like this.

"How many days has he been lying down? Why don't you change him into clean clothes so that he can have a good rest?"

Ling Tian caressed Di Wushang's pale cheek in distress. At this moment, he looked so fragile.

Yu Jingang said embarrassingly: "He has been lying in bed for seven days. Ah Shang always dislikes me and won't talk to me, let alone let me touch him. If I really changed his clothes and wiped his body, He will torture me to death when he wakes up.

He will definitely not let me out again for at least 100 years.Last time it was because he was injured, I went to help him, and he trapped me in his spirit for 10 years, and then blocked everything outside. "

Is it that exaggerated?She feels that Di Wushang is a very good person?
In fact, Ling Tian didn't know that Di Wushang only treated her so well.To others, he is a very arrogant and harsh person.

Although Di Wushang's cheeks were pale, his temperature seemed a little high.

Because his right hand was burned by his soul, Ling Tian couldn't feel the temperature of his left hand.

She could only bend down and touch Tandi Wushang's forehead with her own.At this moment, his body was in a strange fever.

Ling Tian was shocked: "Why is his body so hot?"

"Because his old illness has relapsed, unless he can get over this old illness, the temperature will not drop, and it will rise higher and higher."

"My hands are inconvenient. You go and get some water first. I'll wipe his body and change his clothes. Also, find a place to stop the flying boat. Let's go to live in a bustling town for a while, etc. He wakes up and goes on his way.”

"Yes, sister."

Ling Tian: =_=! !
Can I not call her sister?

This name was already cold, but being called by Yu Jingang like this, Ling Tian felt that his whole body was not well.

Soon, Jade King Kong put the entire bathtub in the bathroom in the room.

Ling Tian was slightly taken aback: "He is injured, how can he soak in water?"

"Sister, Ah Shang has already taken the elixir. Although he still has internal injuries, the external injuries must have healed long ago."

It was only now that Ling Tian remembered that she would also be able to refine such traumatic elixir.

Thinking of something, Yu Jingang said again: "Sister, what's the matter with your injury? I have already given you the elixir for wound healing, but your hands are not healed at all. So I can only put it on you." After taking the medicine, it was wrapped with a bandage."

Looking at his right hand, he said nonchalantly: "It was burned by the fire of the soul, and ordinary medicines can't repair it. It's okay, just rub the medicine, and it will get better on its own after a while."

(End of this chapter)

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