Chapter 494

"Xiaoer, I want the best room here."

Seeing that Ling Tian was well dressed and looked like a nobleman, Xiao Er immediately said with a happy smile, "My lord, the best room we have is not only the main room, but also two side rooms. The conditions are indeed very good, but One day needs 1 yellow spirit stone, or 120 orange spirit stones. This price..."

Although 100 orange spirit stones can be exchanged for 1 yellow spirit stone, this is only the most remote imperial kingdom in the inland, and ordinary people do not have yellow spirit stones, so almost no one lives in the most luxurious room of this inn.

However, Ling Tian opened the interspatial ring without saying a word, took out 30 yellow spirit stones and said, "I will prepay for 30 days in advance. During the period of my stay, I didn't give orders. I hope you don't knock on the door indiscriminately and disturb our rest."

Xiao Er's eyes were straightened, it was the first time he met such a rich guest, and the way he looked at Ling Tian was different instantly.

"Yes, yes, don't worry, my lord, we are the largest inn in the capital, and the service is also the best. If you are a small one, I will arrange someone to take you to your room."

Ling Tian nodded and asked again: "Is there a stretcher?"

"Yes, sir, what are your orders?"

"My elder brother is in a coma. On the back of my spirit beast, my hands are inconvenient. Get a stretcher to carry my elder brother to the room."

Xiaoer's eyes flickered slightly, and he nodded immediately: "Yes, I'll find someone right now, young master, wait a moment."

After a while, two burly men came out of the inn and brought Di Wushang to the room.

The Tianzihao room in this inn is indeed very good.Siheyuan, the small courtyard is surrounded by bamboo forests, and there is a clear stream beside it.

There are bamboo tables and chairs by the stream, and a set of exquisite tea sets.

Fresh and elegant.

"My lord, is Brother Ling in such a coma sick or injured?" Xiaoer asked.

Ling Tian glanced at Xiao Er, but didn't speak.

Xiao Er embarrassedly explained what he meant: "I see that it is not easy for you to take your brother with you. Our emperor has a second-grade alchemist who can refine elixirs with [-]% of the quality. It just so happens that a friend of the villain I am also familiar with that alchemist, as long as you can afford the price, the medicine will cure your illness."

Seeing that Xiao Er was not winking, Ling Tian was a little displeased, and asked with a cold face: "Have you finished talking?"

Xiaoer's expression changed, and he smiled and said, "It's over. Since you're not interested, young master, I won't bother you."

After finishing speaking, the fart went on.

Ling Tian didn't like people who didn't wink at him very much, and deducted points for this inn with a pretty good environment for no reason.

Back in the room, Jade King Kong got out of Di Wushang's consciousness and started doing various chores.

Although this person is a bit chilly and bitchy, I have to admit that his personality is really more docile than ordinary women, and he is not annoying at all.

Gradually, Ling Tian also got used to getting along with Jade King Kong, and even named him Da Zhuang.

Yu Jingang expressed his displeasure with this name, so every time Ling Tian called him Da Zhuang, he was unhappy.

With Da Zhuang and Fei Lang around, Ling Tian didn't have any worries at all.

I stayed in this inn for three days.

On the third night after entering the inn, Di Wushang's body temperature suddenly rose extremely rapidly.Although he is a strong Spirit Venerable, he is in a coma at this time and has no spiritual power to protect his body, so his body will not be able to bear this temperature.

Looking for a monthly ticket and recommendation ticket for Spicy Grilled Fish Flavor!
(End of this chapter)

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