Chapter 495

Ling Tian didn't dare to use his own spiritual power to help him, because Yu Jingang said that once other people's spiritual power entered Di Wushang's body at this moment, the spiritual power in his body would automatically resist.Once the two strands of spiritual power collide in the body, the internal organs will be the first to bear the brunt.

"Di Wushang! Di Wushang, wake up! Don't scare me!"

Without using spiritual power to help him, Ling Tian could only call him over and over again.

However, facing Ling Tian's call, Di Wushang remained motionless.

"Da Zhuang, did he encounter such a situation when his old disease relapsed before? What should we do in this situation?"

Yu Jingang was silent for a moment and said: "He used to take medicine when his old illnesses broke out. It was a elixir specially made for him by a powerful person, but that powerful person is no longer here. When he was unconscious before, I So I tried to give him that kind of elixir, but I found out that he had already taken the medicine."

"So, the bottle of elixir on his body was not brought out by him, but the only one on his body?"

"Yeah." Jade King Kong nodded. "The effect of the medicine is excellent, but there are only ten pills in total, all in one bottle."

When Ling Tian heard this, he was in a bad mood.

Seeing that Ling Tian was in a hurry, Yu Jingang said: "Sister, don't be too anxious. Although Ah Shang's injury was serious, he took the pill immediately after using the taboo technique. The reason why he is now like this should be the pill. After taking the medicine, before he recovered, he was injured again. But I believe that with Ah Shang's ability, he will be able to survive. He is so strong, sister, you can trust him!"

"Well, I believe him! I'm still here, and he won't be willing to leave me behind. And he loves my cooking so much, so he will definitely wake up and continue to eat my food for the rest of his life."

After Ling Tian finished speaking, he asked Yu Jingang to leave, and she began to wipe Di Wushang again and again, tirelessly.

The door of the inn.

Since it was getting late, even martial arts practitioners who didn't need much sleep had already returned to their rooms to rest or practice.

Xiao Er was taking a nap, when suddenly, there was a loud noise from the table, which made the Xiao Er stand up in shock.

When he saw who was coming, his expression changed with fright.

"Brother...Brother Xiong! No...don't you have two more days? You...why are you...again?"

The man named Brother Xiong, with five minions, looked at Xiao Er with a ferocious face, and said with a sneer, "Xu Qing, I gave you 28 days and you still can't return the spirit stone. In a few days, you can return the spirit stones? My uncle has investigated you, and you simply can’t come up with so many spirit stones!”

"Brother Xiong, you... just because we are all fellow villagers, let me go! I only owe you 5 orange spirit stones, and now they have doubled to 20. I am a small shop assistant, where can I go?" Worth it!"

"Fart! My Du family's gambling shop is not open there for charity. Since you can't pay it back, you shouldn't borrow it at the beginning! Now it's written in black and white, either return the spirit stone or die. You choose one!"

Xiao Er's face was livid with fright, but at this moment his arm was held up by someone, and he couldn't break free at all, while Xiong Ren walked towards him step by step.

With Xiong Ren's ferocity, Xiao Er doesn't need to guess, he must have murdered him.In desperation, he could only yell loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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