My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 496 Ling Tian Was Targeted

Chapter 496 Ling Tian Was Targeted

"Brother Xiong, as long as you let me go, I will show you a way to make a lot of money! And I guarantee that you can make a lot of money in one go!"

Xiong Ren sneered: "Do you think I will believe it?"

"Brother Xiong, I can swear by Thunder Tribulation! Late three nights ago, a pair of brothers came to our inn and took the room on the Son of Heaven. People lived there before, but when the brothers came, they gave them 30 days' money."

Xiong Ren narrowed his eyes and asked, "30 yellow spirit stones?"

"Yeah! Our boss is very happy after knowing it, and asked us to take care of it."

"Hmph, this kind of person is either rich or expensive, not to mention that he has 30 extra yellow spirit stones, even if he has 30 extra purple spirit stones, I dare to grab them?" Xiong Ren said displeased.

"The little one told you this, just to say that there were only two of them, his brother and him. But his brother was injured or sick, and remained unconscious. And his right hand was also bandaged, only The left hand can be used. The little one looked at it, and the most powerful one who followed the two brothers was only a vulture. Judging from the level of that vulture, it didn't even reach the level of the Orange Spirit King.

Although the little one doesn't know how strong that young master is, but the contracted beasts are so weak, which means that his own strength is not much higher, isn't it? "

Xiong Ren's eyes lit up instantly after Xiao Er said this.

Because a person can only contract one spirit beast, phantom spirit or phantom beast in a lifetime, and once the contract is made, it is a lifetime contract, so no matter which side of the master and servant comes to the front, they will find a way to improve the strength of the latter.

Moreover, once the souls of the master and servant are contracted, the upgrade of the two is almost at the same time.

In other words, if the vulture has not reached the level of the Orange Spirit King, then its owner, 99% of the time, may not have reached this level either.Even if he reached it, he should have just stepped into the level of the Orange Spirit King.

"Are you sure there's only one of him?"

"I'm sure! I'm so sure! At that time, I was still thinking that he was rich, so I introduced to him that Uncle Du is a second-rank alchemist."

"Then what did he say?"

"The little one guessed that the two brothers were being hunted down by the enemy at this moment, so he was very cautious. He only asked the little one if he had finished speaking? Seeing that he was unhappy, the little one left. He hasn't been out for a few days. Going through the door and staying in the house all the time, it should be recuperating."

Xiong Ren's eyes narrowed and widened, widened and narrowed again, and finally, he finally made a decision: "You, I swear by Lei Jie, what you said just now is the truth, if there is even half a lie, You will be killed by Lei Jie. As long as you dare to swear, the spirit stone you owe will be written off."

"Yes!" Xiao Er hurriedly swore happily.

The thunder sounded, but Xiao Er was not killed by the thunder.Xiong Ren's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Just stand here and show me, and I'll find someone right away."

"Yes, Brother Xiong, don't worry, the little one will stay here and guard."

Half an hour passed, Xiong Ren left and returned.

In front of him was a handsome man.

Xiao Er recognized the person at a glance.This person is the eldest son of the well-known Du family uncle in the capital, Dubai.

Xiao Er hurried forward to meet him: "The villain has met the eldest son!"

"Xiong Ren has already told me about the matter, is he still in the room?"

(End of this chapter)

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