My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 497: Spirit... Respecting the Powerful

Chapter 497: Spirit... Respecting the Powerful

"That's right, eldest son, their brothers haven't come out since they moved in."

"Okay, you lead the way."

Xiao Er was a little bit embarrassed, but after seeing Xiong Ren's eyes, he could only nod his head and said: "Yes, Xiao Er will lead the way for you."

Finally, the group came to the door of Ling Tian and Di Wushang's room, Xiaoer whispered: "Young Master, this is the room of the two brothers. The room is a living room, the back is the dining room, and there are two rooms on the right. There are two bedrooms, the son's elder brother is lying in the left one, so he should be in the right one."

"Understood. You just wait outside, and when I finish my work, there will be a lot of rewards."

When Xiao Er heard it, he nodded immediately: "Yes, yes, Xiao Er is here waiting for the good news!"

After all, Du Bai, the eldest son of the Du family, came to the door of the room with five carefully selected warriors.

Mr. Dubai, who was about to break open the door, just put his hand on the door, and the door opened before he could use any force.

Dubai was taken aback for a moment, and then showed joy.Xiong Ren couldn't help but said in a secret voice: "It seems that even God is helping the young master."

Dubai smiled slightly, and did not lighten the sound of his footsteps, just like going back to his own home, he entered the room of Ling Tian and Di Wushang.

After the last person behind went in, he locked the door behind him, looking confident.

In the room, Ling Tian was still carefully wiping Di Wushang's body with cold water to cool him down physically.From time to time, there was the sound of wringing water.

The door of the room is closed. Although Dubai and others can't see it, the other bedroom is open. It is clear at a glance that there is no one at all, and there is no light on, so the person they are looking for is there. Inside the door, which was closed but with the light on.

Just when a few people walked to the door and were about to push the door open, the moment they murdered and robbed them, a coercion that they couldn't match fell from the sky, directly pressing the six people to the ground.

"What's going on, didn't you say that there is only a pair of brothers and sisters here? Then who released this coercion?"

Facing Dubai's inquiry, Xiong Ren's complexion was also very ugly, he was so frightened that he couldn't even speak clearly
"I, I... I don't know either! That Xu Qing clearly swears by Thunder Tribulation in front of me."

"Hey! The oath he swore with Lei Jie can only prove that what he saw is true. The slave family is the phantom of that brother, and of course he can't just appear in front of you little bastards when you have nothing to do. This will reduce the People's style."

Yu Jingang's thick voice mixed with feminine words made everyone tremble in fright, and looked up quickly.

It's okay if you don't look at it, but the six people are scared to pee when they look at it.

I saw Jade King Kong standing in front of them like a monster, and his fingertips were still exuding purple spiritual power.

It was also this spiritual power that completely suppressed their bodies, making them unable to move.

"Spirit...spirit...spiritual master!"

And it's a male spirit in a pink dress!
This kind of person looks like a powerful pervert.

Would he...would he rape them first and then kill them?
At this moment, Dubai wished he could tear Xiong Ren into pieces.

Xiong Ren can't wait to tear Xiaoer into pieces.

"Your...Your Majesty, it's because we have blind eyes that we don't know that the two in this room are powerful Spirit Venerables. don't remember the faults of villains, please spare our lives!"

(End of this chapter)

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