Chapter 499

What about people?

What about the eldest son of the Du family and Xiong Ren?

With so many people going in, how could it make the living room look a bit cramped?

But why did Mao look over from him, as if there was no one inside?

Xiao Er bravely approached the window and looked into the back room, trying to hear if there were any other sounds, but there were no!
The room is very clean!

Obviously, none of the people in Dubai were in the room!
But he clearly saw someone going in!


Just when Xiao Er felt his scalp go numb, Yu Jingang blew on Xiao Er's fairly slender white neck from behind.

The hairs all over Xiao Er's body stood up in an instant, and he turned his head mechanically and slowly, looking backward——


When Xiao Er turned his head away, Yu Jingang ran behind and blew him again.There was also a "giggle" chuckle.

Finally, Xiao Er collapsed and let out a terrible scream.

"Ghost! Ghost—! There is a ghost!!!"

After calling out, he crawled and fled away.

An hour later, the uncle of the Du family, that is, the second-rank alchemist, came to this inn with a large group of people.

At this moment, the owner of the inn has also arrived.

Uncle Du, that is a well-known figure in the capital, even the emperor would be courteous when he sees him, and the second young lady of the Du family, who is Du Bai's biological sister and uncle Du's prostitute, is now a celebrity around the emperor

But such a big man disappeared in his own inn.

Seeing the innkeeper, Du Sheng, the uncle of the Du family, said furiously: "Mu Ying, I heard that my son disappeared in your inn tonight. If something happens to him, your Mu family will wait to bury my son with him!"

Mu Ying's face was suffocated, but he apologized: "Master Du, I also heard about this matter from our waiter. He said that Mr. Du is because he took a fancy to a guest's spirit stone in our inn and wanted to snatch it from his heart." , that's why this incident happened. This...doesn't seem to have anything to do with my Mu family, does it?"

"I can't control that much. If something happened to my son in your inn, you have to take full responsibility. Now, immediately go in with the old man to arrest the criminal. If you dare to refuse, let alone the old man, it is Du Niangniang, or even the emperor." I will not spare you lightly!"

Although Mu Ying was angry, he had to compromise, and followed Du Sheng to the Tianzihao room.

Yu Jingang was imprisoned by Di Wushang for ten years in the vast white world of spiritual consciousness, and now he finally came out, seeing these opportunities to make trouble, how could he let it go?
So after confirming that his sister was guarding Ah Shang and would never come out, he sealed their room with a barrier.She was playing coquettishly outside alone.

Looking at the group of people who ran into the area of ​​the Tianzihao room with weapons in their hands, the essence of Jade King Kong's coquettish and slut was clearly exposed.

Giggling, covering her lips, she was afraid of taking off the lipstick on her mouth, then raised her mouth a little, and then disappeared into the room in a blink of an eye.

"Listen, people inside! I don't care who you are or what your background is, get out and die within three breaths, or don't blame us for being rude!"

Mu Ying yelled at Du Sheng's request.He is a third-level master of the Orange Spirit King. With a loud shout, not to mention the people in the Tianzihao room, even the guests in the entire inn were awakened, and then they all walked out of the room to see what was going on .

(End of this chapter)

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