My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 500 Haunted! !

Chapter 500 Haunted! !

However, after the voice fell, there was no movement in Tianzihao's room, even except for the dim light in the bedroom, even the lights in the hall were pitch black.

"Clatter-da, da, da..."

"Just... that's the sound! Before Mr. Du and the others went in, the villain heard the sound of wringing water. After Mr. Du and the others entered, the sound didn't stop, and it would start after a while. However, Mr. Du and the others went in After that, just... never came out again!

The villain looked in from the window at that time, the end, someone blew cold wind into the villain's neck.There must be ghosts in this house! "When Xiaoer talked about what happened just now, he was almost scared to pee.

But everyone didn't care.

Especially Du Sheng, snorted coldly: "Ghosts stay in the fantasy world, and the ghosts that can come out are phantom spirits who have contracts with people..."

Speaking of this, Du Sheng narrowed his eyes slightly: "The people inside can't be the powers of the Holy Spirit level?"

Because only the Holy Spirit is qualified to make a contract with the Phantom Spirit of the Illusory Realm.

"No, no!" Xiao Er said with certainty: "The two brothers, one is in a deep coma, and the other's hand should be broken and bandaged. Their flying beast is a peak-level scarlet spirit king. His spirit beast is definitely not a holy spirit!"

In order to behave better, Mu Ying asked Du's family not to seal off his inn, and said to the inside: "The time for three suctions is up, since your Excellency won't come out, then don't blame Mu for being rude."

After finishing speaking, Mu Ying flew in and entered the Tianzihao room.

Because he is the owner of this inn, he also cherishes his own property very much. Originally, he could break through the wall and rush directly to the bedroom to see what happened, but he finally chose to enter through the gate.

After Mu Ying entered, Du Sheng sneered and swung his palm towards the window.

He is the fourth-level powerhouse of the Orange Spirit King. Can the walls of the house be spared under this palm?
However, after the palm went down, the inside of the window was like a black hole, and the punch that went in was gone immediately.

Du Sheng: ...! ! !
"how come?"

A sixth-level warrior of the Orange Spirit King who followed Du Sheng to protect him couldn't help but startled.

After that, he also slapped a palm that contained great power towards the window.

However, this palm was still like a stone sinking into the sea, as if a punch had landed directly on the empty space, let alone a hole in the wall on the other side of the window, and even the window didn't even move that much.

"My master... the master is gone!"

Just when everyone was paying attention to the window, Xiao Er's voice came.

Du Sheng's face was suffocated, and he shouted: "Mu Ying!"


No one answered.

"Master...Master, just say it inside!" Xiaoer also said.


Still no sound.

At this moment, everyone felt their scalps go numb.

Du Sheng's face turned pale.

If a moment ago, he still felt that his son had just been arrested, then now, he was almost sure that his son had really died.

"Give it all to me!"

When Du Sheng gave an order, a group of servants of the Du family retreated one after another.

Du Sheng was extremely angry, and roared: "Anyone who dares to take half a step back will die!"

Everyone glanced at each other, rushed up, and entered the weird door.

They yelled as they charged, but after those people rushed in, the yelling sound became less and less, and finally everything fell silent.

(End of this chapter)

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