Chapter 501

Everything is dead.

A gust of wind blows-

But the wind blows from the house.

It was cloudy and cold.

They clearly didn't feel any foreign body sensation, but those who smelled the dark wind all felt uncomfortable in their noses and sneezed loudly.

"Ghost...Ghost! It's really a ghost!" Xiao Er screamed and rushed out first.

The Du family headed by Du Sheng also noticed something was wrong, and left pale with fright.

Seeing the situation, the travelers living in the inn also fled one after another.

In less than a quarter of an hour, there was no one in the entire inn except Ling Tian and Di Wushang.

Just as Ling Tian continued to wipe Di Wushang tirelessly, Di Wushang's restraining hand suddenly moved.

Ling Tian was overjoyed, sat on the edge of the bed, bent down, and called out softly: "Di Wushang! Di Wushang, wake up! I've been alone for a long time, can you wake up and accompany me? I'll make delicious food for you ! I'll make you any Thai food you want!"

As he spoke, Ling Tian couldn't help but shed tears.

"I'm really not used to not having you by my side."

In the past, although she had a master, senior sisters, and junior sisters, she was used to handling her own affairs.

But since coming here, Di Wushang has appeared in front of her immediately, and has been by her side from the beginning to the end. No matter what she does, even if she fights with a scum of a first-level spiritual master, As a majestic spirit, he would patiently accompany her and accompany her with a doting face.Even in order to be with her, he did not hesitate to destroy his image and turned into an ordinary-looking guard.

He is like her protector, making her feel less lonely in this strange world.

In his company, he gradually became her habit.

In this world, losing love is not the scariest thing, the scariest thing is losing a habit.

When this habit is pervasive and even becomes an essential part of your life, it becomes as important as air.

Without it, you will feel that every breath you take is so difficult.

Ling Tian's tears fell on Di Wushang's handsome face, making his slender eyelashes twitch slightly.

"Little Tianer..."

"Yeah, I'm here! Di Wushang, I'm here! What's wrong with you? Tell me, I'll help you!"

This was the first time that Di Wushang spoke in so many days, Ling Tian seemed to have received great encouragement, held his big hand with his hand, and pressed his own cheek to it.

"Di Wushang, can you hear me, right? Wake up and see me, okay? Open your eyes and talk to me, okay?"

"Little Tian'er, don't be afraid...kill...kill..."

Di Wushang's voice sounded again, Ling Tian knew that he was talking in his sleep.

"Godmother... Godmother..."

Di Wushang called Ling Tian for a while, and after saying kill a few times, he started calling his godmother—Empress Dongzhou.

Then a lot of tears slid down from the corners of his eyes and flowed to his temples.

Seeing this, Ling Tian quickly wiped it off with a silk cloth.

"Godmother, I didn't... protect Xiao Tian'er, godmother, I'm sorry..."

Ling Tian was taken aback by Di Wushang's words, and his hands froze instantly.

Seeing Di Wushang continue to shed tears silently, although it was just a dream, the answer about her life experience was ready to come out.

But soon, Ling Tian covered up his emotions.

Even though Jade King Kong was outside, Ling Tian didn't ask immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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