My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 507 Childish Ghost

Chapter 507 Childish Ghost

Hearing that his father was treated so badly by Di Wushang before, not only did Ling Tian not feel sorry for his father, but he giggled and commented unceremoniously: "So you are really a childish ghost!"

The corners of Di Wushang's lips raised slightly.

He just likes to be a childish ghost in front of the closest people.

When Di Wushang and Ling Tian were in the house with infinite warmth, Jade King Kong was also playing crazy outside.

Think about a coquettish slut with powerful force, who is locked in the consciousness, and it is a white consciousness. For ten years, when the already perverted heart is even more perverted, what will happen after it is released? What kind of jade diamond is like.

Uncle Du's son, Du Bai, disappeared in a haunted house in Yunlai Inn. More than 20 servants of the Du family also disappeared inside under the witness of all the guests. Even Mu Ying, the third-level Orange Spirit King, The owner of Yunlai Inn also disappeared inside!
Since Uncle Du is the only second-grade alchemist in the Yuansheng Empire, and his daughter is now a celebrity around the emperor, the matter of Yunlai Inn has attracted the attention of the royal family as quickly as possible.

Then from early morning, wave after wave of royal guards rushed in to arrest the real culprit who killed the son of the Du family. The existence of the master and the peak of the Orange Spirit King disappeared without return after entering this haunted house.

The most shocking thing is that this Tianzi size room is not big, and the only way to enter it is through the main entrance.The main entrance is only 7 meters away from a window in front of it. Once you can walk to the window, you will be able to be seen by the people guarding the window, and you will know what horrible things are inside.

However, the person who went in never appeared at the window again.

In the past few hours, more than 500 people died inside.If he really died inside, then there shouldn't be enough room for a corpse in this room?
However, the room was still as empty as before.

Finally, the emperor was furious.This is simply slapping him in the face of the emperor!

So the emperor of the Yuansheng Empire directly dispatched an army of 30 to savagely demolish all the rooms in the Yunlai Inn, and then completely surrounded the only remaining haunted house.

"Listen, people in the house! I don't care if you are a human, a ghost or a demon, get out immediately within three suctions of understanding, otherwise, I will regard you as a war with the Yuansheng Empire!"

The voice fell, and still no one answered.

The emperor of the Yuansheng Empire finally couldn't bear it anymore, under the crying of his concubine, and he still needed the uncle of the Du family, Du Sheng, to refine the second-grade elixir for him, so after three inhalations, he mercilessly ordered to fire.

Countless improved cannons charged at the Tianzihao room where Di Wushang and Ling Tian were at the same time with enormous power.

"Boom boom boom boom—" With 49 loud noises, under the attack of the artillery, the area where the Tianzihao room was located was filled with dust, blocking everyone's sight.

After the bang, the opponent did not make a sound. A minister clasped his fists at the emperor and said, "The emperor is wise! We should have attacked with artillery long ago."

"The emperor's guess is right. If this person is really a master of the Holy Spirit, we just need to say something. Not only will we not make him an enemy, but we will even invite him as our guest."

(End of this chapter)

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