My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 508 Sacrifice to the River God?

Chapter 508 Sacrifice to the River God?

"He must be exactly what the waiter in the shop said, but he is only a spirit beast of the peak level of the Scarlet Spirit King, dragging an unconscious brother, and he was injured, so he can only use the formation method to fight with us here. Always pretending to be advanced."

"Your Majesty is wise!"

"The emperor is wise!"

The ministers echoed one after another, praising the emperor for his decisive decision.


I don't know who yelled, and everyone immediately looked towards the "haunted house".

After being bombarded 49 times, the haunted house is still strong, not to mention being razed to the ground, and even the paper on the window lattice is not damaged at all.

There was a dead silence in the audience.

" did this happen? What kind of formation can withstand such bombardment from us?" A minister asked, his face pale with fright.

" there really a great power inside?"

"No... no way!" The emperor was unsure, and his voice began to tremble a little.

"Boom boom boom boom boom..."

At the moment when the emperor's voice fell, 49 explosions, which were louder than the cannon just now, suddenly rang out, resounding throughout the entire capital, and blasting everyone's heart.

Not too much, not too much, it is equivalent to a gift to the emperor of the Yuansheng Empire.

The sound disappeared, and the emperor was already so frightened that he fell directly from the high dragon chair, his ears were buzzing, if he hadn't used his spiritual power to protect his ears in time, even though he was the peak master of the Orange Spirit King, he would have been deaf up.

Those ministers were not as good at martial arts as the emperor, some were so frightened that they lost control of their bladder and bowels, and some couldn't bear it at all, and were frightened to death by the bang.Even the great general of the dynasty, who often fought bloody battles on the battlefield, was sitting slumped on the ground with a pale face.

The front was still flat just now, but now it has turned into a deep pit.

No, it should be said to be a river.

The river is 10 meters wide, 50 meters deep, and about 500 meters long, forming a circle around the courtiers centered on the emperor of the Yuansheng Empire.

Both sides of the circle are connected with the moat.The river flooded in, and the emperor of Yuansheng Kingdom was dumbfounded to find that he and his courtiers had been besieged in the middle of the river!
At this moment, who would dare to tell him that there were no masters in the shop that day, and he would definitely punish that idiot!
What a fool!
All the top officials of the dynasty were trapped in the middle of the river. Although they could easily go ashore, no one dared to cross it for a long time.

Not even daring to move.


Then there was a very soft, but definitely shocking voice.

The door of Tianzihao, which has been haunted all night, was opened from the inside.

Walking out of the house, Ling Tian rubbed his eyes.

He rubbed his eyes again.

Then he turned around and looked inside, and asked the words that made the emperor and all the ministers vomit blood.

"Did you move the place for me while I was asleep? I remember that I stayed at the best Yunlai Inn in the capital of the Yuansheng Empire last night!"

The people besieged in the middle of the river: ...! ! !
Di Wushang came out of the house wearing a silver mask, and smiled slightly: "Didn't I just wake up this morning too? How can I know things that you don't even know?"

"Oh." Ling Tian nodded, pointing to a group of people who were besieged in the middle of the river not far away and asked, "What are these people doing? Are they offering sacrifices to the river god?"


(End of this chapter)

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