Chapter 509
Everyone looked at Ling Tian wanting to cry without tears, they were not well.

It’s no wonder that Ling Tian thought they were offering sacrifices to the river god. The main reason was that there were so many people, and it seemed that the people in the palace, including those wearing dragon robes, were all kneeling on the ground at this moment. They were not offering sacrifices to the river god, could they be Pray to heaven and earth?
After Ling Tian and Di Wushang walked out of the "haunted house", they received everyone's attention.

Ling Tian randomly grabbed a spectator who was not besieged by Jade King Kong and asked, "Brother, is this the capital of the Yuansheng Empire?"

The man was almost scared to death by Ling Tian, ​​nodded, but couldn't speak.

"Hey, that's strange. This is clearly the Yunlai Inn, so how come it has become a house?"

Crowd: ...

Everyone wanted to tell Ling Tian the truth, but no one dared to speak.

"Then do you know which restaurant has the best food in this capital?"

"Know...know. Go straight ahead, turn left, and there is a 'Lion House' on the other side of the square."

"Okay, thank you very much."

After finishing speaking, Ling Tian took Di Wushang's arm and left.

When the owner of the Lion Tower heard this, Khan was so frightened that he ran back as fast as he could, and then closed his business.

When Ling Tian arrived at the Lion Tower, all he saw was a sign for closure.

When asked why, the shopkeeper only said that the kitchen was burned.

"Let's go, let's go to another city to eat delicious food."

Di Wushang, who basically understood what happened, brought Ling Tian up to the clouds, and then took out the flying boat.

After confirming that the strange pair of brothers had left, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

However, just when the emperor moved and was about to return to the palace.

"Boom—" There was another explosion.

After the explosion, a huge palm print was left on the ground.

This slap was made of aura, and it was a hole 30 meters wide and 50 meters deep.

In the center of the huge handprint, the second child of the instigator was lying in the center of the palm. Although he was in good shape, he had lost his breath.

Around the huge handprint, there is still a faint aura.

When everyone saw the color of the aura clearly, they couldn't help but gasp.

and so……

Is the elder brother of the young master, the man who entered the Yunlai Inn unconscious, actually a peak powerhouse at the spirit level?

Although this is East Continent, there are occasional high-level powerhouses even in the periphery, but Spirit Venerable powerhouses are rare in the Central Continent.But they attacked the strong man's door all night!

"Bah! Damn bastard, almost killed us!"




From then on, this huge crater in the Yuansheng Empire became a scene in the capital.Those who committed the most heinous crimes will be executed here, and then let the people of later generations complain.

Beizhou, the Beast Dynasty, and the Azure Dragon Empire.

Today, the Imperial City of the Empire is extremely lively, especially in the battle arena in the northern suburbs, which is even more crowded with people.

Even though the scalpers had changed the worst 5th-class seat from 2 orange spirit stones to 10, the supply of those seats was still in short supply.

In today's Beijiao fighting arena, there is no comparison of warriors and spirit beasts who fight each other on weekdays, and the entire arena is also decorated with joy.Because today is the "finals of the beauty pageant" of the Azure Dragon Empire!
The competition for 1000 beauties will be held here later.

(End of this chapter)

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