My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 511 Too shameless

Chapter 511 Too shameless

"I am the host of this conference and I am also the manager of the venue. Before the beauty pageant is over, everyone must abide by the order of the venue, otherwise, they will be thrown out."

After finishing speaking, everyone fell silent, not wanting to be thrown out.

The iron-faced host continued:
"This beauty pageant is conducted in accordance with the principles of fairness, openness, and impartiality. In order to prevent favoritism and fraud, the competition has established the following rules.

First, this is a beauty pageant, not a contest to show off your wealth or background.Therefore, all beauties are not allowed to introduce themselves, and can only carry a number plate that can represent themselves.All the scorers look at the number plate to score, so that there is no such thing as giving a low score to the daughter of the rich and powerful and suffering from resentment.Those who don't know are innocent, they don't know who you are, and it doesn't matter if you get a low score. "

When the dignitaries on the stage heard this, their eyes narrowed slightly.It was completely unexpected that this hob meat would be given to them temporarily.

But when they heard the applause from the audience, they couldn't stop it.This is dumb, so I can only eat it.

The host continued: "Secondly, in the future, the beauties in the harem will be more or less involved with the courtiers, so today's scorers, in addition to the emperor, also have a hundred high-ranking courtiers in the right position. But for the sake of fairness, The organizing committee of the competition has also set up a seat for one hundred judges, and these one hundred judges will be selected from among you.

Next, those who are willing to serve as judges are invited to use your spiritual power. The 100 people with the highest strength will become the judges of this beauty contest and participate in this review. "

After the second article, the faces of the courtiers became more gloomy, but the audience became lively in an instant.

All of a sudden, red, orange, yellow, and even green spiritual powers lit up one after another.In the end, the host selected the only green-level spiritual saint, 20 yellow-level spiritual saints, and 79 high-level orange-level spiritual kings as the judges of the beauty contest, and sat on the seats next to a hundred courtiers.

"Third, this review will be counted according to the scores. The one with the highest score is No.1, and so on. Those with the same score can have a separate extra match and score separately depending on the situation.

The total score of this competition is 130 points, of which, the emperor alone holds 30 points, and each of the hundred ministers holds 0.5 points, totaling 50 points.Each of the 0.5 reviewers will receive 50 points, for a total of [-] points. "

"Your Majesty, this veteran did not send his own daughter or younger generation to participate in the beauty pageant, but I just heard the rules of the so-called organizing committee of the conference, and I am very puzzled. Since it is fair, open, and just, why are you alone? You can hold 30 points in your hand, but we only have 0.5 points in your hand? This is unfair!" Simon Nan said displeasedly, and in order to let everyone hear his voice, he specially used Spirit power speaks.

His displeasure is also the displeasure of all the ministers.Why does this hob meat alone have 30 points, but they only have 0.5?

Still say fair?

You are so close to writing the word "shameless" on your face!
This Duke Zhongyi is now the Prime Minister's dog leg, facing the fortitude and integrity on Duke Zhongyi's face, Ye Chuchen also used his spiritual power.

"Mr. Zhongyi, I know you are a loyal person. But to put it bluntly, the selected beauty is to sleep with me and give birth to my children, not to sleep with you and give birth to your children. As much as me?"

Ministers:  …

(End of this chapter)

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