My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 512 The Little Hooligan Deep Inside

Chapter 512 The Little Hooligan Deep Inside
"I only hold 30 points, but all the ministers hold 50 points in total. If you are not satisfied, then... I can only give these women to you."

Ministers: it is again!

For Ye Chuchen's routine, the ministers have taken the trouble to learn it no less than a hundred times during this period of time.But the terrible thing is, this fellow is simply tried and tested!

As long as the saintess Huangyi doesn't speak, what dare they say?
"I dare not."

"Wei Chen dare not."


The voices of clasped fists and refusals kept coming and going, Ye Chuchen felt refreshed, and said with a smile: "Hey, that's right! You must let me have a little autonomy, right? Otherwise, you can choose all the ones I don't like, and you won't be able to win." Just look at a woman who can become impotent at a glance, then I might as well bother my fifth girl every day to comfort myself! You are all men here, do you think it makes sense?"

Ye Chuchen didn't use his spiritual power to say these words, so only the courtiers and the hundred judges heard them.

The ministers were angry.

What is "all men come here"?It's as if they're not men now!
Ever since Ye Chuchen became emperor, the courtiers felt that the little hooligan in their hearts had been seduced out, and they especially liked to swear!

The judges on the side all laughed knowingly.

The Azure Dragon Empire is not so much a country as it is a colony of the divine religion.The emperors of all dynasties were suppressed and enslaved.Not even basic freedom and space.

I heard that when the emperor was still the crown prince, he was timid, cowardly, and incompetent. They were all disappointed with their new emperor, but today, it seems that this is not the case!

Seeing that the faces of the courtiers were all flushed with anger, Ye Chuchen slapped him and gave him a candy: "What's more, if you really have a favorite candidate, you can work together. And if you all like it, the judges must The members will definitely not feel bad, and they will definitely be shortlisted by then, right?"

When the ministers thought about it, it was also true.

Generally, ladies of great families are raised in deep boudoirs, even though this is a world that advocates force, but women who are used for marriage, even if they practice martial arts, still follow the requirements of deep boudoirs.

This little emperor has just ascended the throne, so where is the chance to know what the girl they pushed looks like?
And as long as their daughters come on stage, everyone can score 50 points for these girls as long as they communicate with each other secretly.The girls in their family are all good, and they have also undergone professional training. Ye Chuchen will give 30 even if they don't give 20.Adding the 100 or [-] points from the judges, there is still a score of more than [-].

And as long as they are not women from official families like them, everyone can talk to each other and give these women in the world 0 points. Can only get 80 points.

Thinking of this, the courtiers were relieved.

"Author's words" cannot be displayed for three consecutive days, angry!After three days of activities, everyone didn't see it, so angry!I'll just say two things!

Building building activities will be held more frequently, and everyone is welcome to participate.

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(End of this chapter)

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