Chapter 517

Xiao Tian'er is protected by such an awesome phoenix, so she is not worried.But Huahua has no one to protect her.

But now, this mirror image symbol is Huahua's amulet.With this amulet, Huahua will definitely not be in danger.

After coming out of the toilet, Ye Chuchen's heart has been focused on how to kill that bitch.

Not long after sitting there, Ye Chuchen got up again.

"Your Majesty, where are you going?" Another minister asked anxiously when his daughter was on stage.



All the ministers gave the minister a miserable look, and they all chose to shut up.Facing Ye Chuchen's disrespect, no one stopped him.

After a while, the host also went to the toilet.

The minister couldn't help it: "Chen Huwei, where are you going?"

Chen Huwei said blankly: "Give the emperor some toilet paper."

Ministers:  …

"Your Majesty, what are your orders?"

"You immediately send this prescription to Anbu, and ask them to prepare it for Xizhou, and tell them to find a way to put these things into the room of that bitch in the Marshal's Mansion."


"Also, this is a mirror image engraved by me. You also pass her to Xizhou. If that bitch has any changes, show this thing to her again. Lest she have nothing to fear and think that my senior sister won't do it for a long time. Take it out, and she'll be fine."


"Also, since you can contact me in time, you must be able to contact my senior sister in time, right?"

"Yes, your majesty, your majesty's people will soon meet up with the eldest lady."

Ye Chuchen's eyes lit up: "Who is it?"

"This subordinate doesn't know. But the Lord is doing things, please rest assured, Your Majesty."

"Don't worry, don't worry." Ye Chuchen said with a smile: "Brother-in-law is doing things, I can rest assured!"

After explaining the matter, Ye Chuchen returned to her seat in peace.

Suddenly, an extremely beautiful woman appeared in front of everyone.

In terms of beauty, no one can match a thousand beauties!
She looks extremely beautiful, but her eyes are extremely clear.

Whether it's figure or appearance, they are all sexy and seductive, but they give off a cold and indifferent temperament.

What kind of woman can achieve the point where the contradictions can be combined and the perfect fusion can be achieved?

As beautiful as a fairy!Pure as an angel!
Even if Ye Chuchen was a woman, she couldn't stand being shocked by this beauty number 120.


Seeing this woman, Ye Chuchen felt that all these years she had been a woman for nothing.

In fact, where these thousand beauties came from and who they were, the people of Tianji Pavilion had already helped her find out the family background of these people without any effort.

So today's beauty pageant is just a formality.

Who to choose to enter the harem, and how to disturb this pool of spring water, she has already made a decision in her heart.

This woman is number 120, so her name should be Yuhun, and she was chosen by the Nine Emperors.So she did not participate in the preliminary and semi-finals, but directly entered the final.

Although Tianji Pavilion has tried its best to find information about Jade Soul, but found nothing.

Thousands of beauties, this Jade Soul is the only person in Tianji Pavilion who has not found any information.

Although such a person has 30% problems and shouldn't let her enter the palace, Ye Chuchen picked up a pen and gave her a perfect score - [-] points!
But what Ye Chuchen didn't know was that when the ministers saw this seductive vixen, the first thing they thought was that she must not be allowed into the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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