My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 518 About... Germany!

Chapter 518 About... Germany!

But in the end, they all gave her full marks in terms of scores by coincidence.

"Why are you a woman?!"

Suddenly, in Ye Chuchen's mind, a very pleasant, woman's voice like a clear spring appeared, which made her hands tremble in fright.


Ye Chuchen looked down, and at this moment, the four beauties who came up this round were standing under her head, looking at her with smiles.And she could clearly see the depression on that jade soul's face at the moment.


Can someone explain to this baby why she already wears a jade stone that can change the gender of men and women, but this woman can still tell at a glance that she is actually a woman disguised as a man?
Seeing that Ye Chuchen was speechless, Yuhun didn't ask any more questions, and left the stage with the other three beauties.

Emma, ​​what a pity!
Will this dead woman leak the news that she is a woman?
Is she about to fail to be the emperor of the Azure Dragon Empire?
To be honest, Ye Chuchen is not guilty at all at this moment.

The big deal is to be discovered!
Anyway, now she has two brothers, Chen Ji and Chen Sheng, assigned to her by her brother-in-law. They are both masters at the peak of the Qingling Emperor, and there are two huge strengths, Tianji Pavilion and Anbu, to help.If you want to save your life, that's fine.

It's just that her identity was exposed like this, she was a little depressed!

In Ye Chuchen's desertion, after a thousand beauties showed their beauty, it was time for the judges to count their scores.After that, half of the people who brushed the bottom were eliminated directly, and the rest began to compete for morality.

"Next, I will give you 1 minute. Please write a sentence on the paper to show me your morality! Then write your number at the bottom of the answer sheet."

When 1 minute expired, some beauties didn't write anything.I wanted to write one casually, but the pen and paper had been taken away, so I burst into tears.

Morality, intelligence, physique, and beauty are all important points, but they lost points.

The answers of the 500 beauties were divided into three stacks, and the emperor, ministers, and jury took turns to review and score.

Everyone in the audience could only see the experts of the jury twitching non-stop, while the ministers and the emperor smiled sincerely after seeing those comments.

The sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes gave different answers.The more common answers are:

"Loyal to the king and serve the country."

"Never be jealous."

"Everything is up to the emperor."

"Your Majesty, I will give birth to a bunch of children for you."


However, the young ladies sent by the minister's family gave the same answer.

"My family has a lot of spirit stones, I can give the emperor xxx."

"My family has a lot of babies, I can give the emperor xxx."

"My dowry has xxx..."

Ye Chuchen also laughed at it, and couldn't help but said: "It seems that in the eyes of all the lovers, I am a poor man!"

"Where is!"

"The emperor is the richest man in this country!"

"These girls are ignorant!"


Ye Chuchen said with a smile: "Where are they ignorant? I think they are all sensible little goblins!"

Then, while the jury was stunned, they found that when Ye Chuchen mentioned the Lingshi, he instantly became one with the ministers, regardless of each other.

The crowd sweated profusely.

Obviously, in this round, the children of courtiers had the upper hand.

Ye Chuchen was scoring high marks with a smile, but when she saw an answer, her expression froze, and she didn't know what to do for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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