My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 519 I Will Treat You Well

Chapter 519 I Will Treat You Well

"I'll treat you well, and I won't betray you. - Number 120"

So, she actually likes women?
But what a swell, she's not Lily!

However, Ye Chuchen gave her a perfect score for telling this woman that she would not betray her.

After Yuhun saw his score, the corners of Yuhun's lips raised a glamorous arc.

As if he had reached a consensus with Ye Chuchen, Yuhun didn't look at Ye Chuchen any more.Instead, it was Ye Chuchen, whose eyes were almost glued to Yuhun.

"Next, compare wisdom." The host said: "The topic is this: If there is a person who was born to your biological parents, but not your brother or sister, then who is he? Answer time, 1 minute .”

Ye Chuchen felt that when this question came out, it was just a formality.After getting the answer, I was dumbfounded.

99% of people got it wrong.

There are only two correct answers, one is the prime minister's daughter, and the other is Jade Soul.

"Worthy of being the daughter of the prime minister's mansion, Miss Yan is not only outstanding in appearance, but also superior in wisdom."

Faced with Ye Chuchen's compliment, the prime minister laughed.

"It's still you young people who are quick-witted. As an old man, I couldn't think of it for a long time, and the answer turned out to be 'myself'. Hahahaha..."

After three rounds of competition, the prime minister's granddaughter, Yan Jingwan, and the No. 120 Nine Emperor God selected the jade soul with the highest score.

However, in the last round of competition, the Prime Minister was confident that his granddaughter would definitely stand out.

"The fourth round of the competition is about martial arts. Now, please come out with beauties who don't know martial arts. This round, you will have no points."

At the end of the speech, one fifth of the women came out.

The host added: "Next, please invite the beauties below the level of King Ling to come out."

Then one-half of the women also came out.

"All beauties at the level of spiritual masters will get basic points for this round."

"The remaining beauties of the spirit king level, please follow me and fly off the ground."

Led by the host Chen Ji, Ye Chuchen's most important guard, more than 100 beauties flew into the air.

When everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to do next, suddenly, a terrifying coercion leaned down on them.

Several unprepared beauties let out a scream at the same time, and fell directly to the ground.

The rest of the people immediately knew what happened, and quickly used their spiritual power to resist.

However, as the power of the traces intensified, more and more people fell from the sky.Those who are still suspended in the air are almost all pale at this moment.

Ye Chuchen paid attention to Yuhun, and saw that she was on the verge of falling from the beginning, and then, because everyone else was strengthening, she also stood firm.

As more and more people fell, her face seemed to be getting whiter and paler, and she still looked precarious.

The corners of Ye Chuchen's lips raised slightly, and the secret voice transmitted to Chen Ji: "Increase the pressure on No. 120, No. 149, No. 351 and No. 423 alone until it reaches the peak level of the Orange Spirit King."

The distance between these people and Jade Soul was the closest, and Chen Ji exerted double coercion on these people alone almost after getting the order.

Those women fell from the air almost immediately after they came into contact with the coercion.

But Jade Soul is still there "supporting hard".

(End of this chapter)

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