My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 523 One Step, One Life "Lian"

Chapter 523

Now Feilong and Feiyu have been sent away, and Di Wushang is unwilling to let Jade King Kong guard him, so Di Wushang, who is used to the life of a grandpa, now sees the man who has finished speaking and sits next to him. The woman was suddenly a little confused and couldn't react.

Ling Tian looked at the several empty tables in the store, and looked at Di Wushang who had turned his silver-gray hair into blue silk, and was still wearing half a silver-white cool-toned mask on his face.

She felt that if it wasn't for the inconvenience of eating, she would have made him wear a full mask!

"I'm sorry, it's not convenient at all." Ling Tian didn't like other women coveting her Phoenix, so he replied without thinking.

However, the woman didn't blush and was out of breath, and smiled at Ling Tian: "You little brother, you are so unreasonable. Didn't your brother teach you that you should be a gentleman when dealing with girls?"


As soon as the woman finished speaking, a gust of cold air emanated from Di Wushang's body.As soon as the voice fell, the bench the woman was sitting on flew from in front of Ling Tian to the back wall.

With the muffled sound of "bang", the woman was thrown to the ground by the merciless "Juli" of Di Wushang's men.

The loud sound made everyone around look over in an instant.

Di Wushang really didn't intend to hurt anyone's life, although he extremely hated women who were so close to him.So be gentle.

But the woman obviously didn't expect that the man she was looking for would tell her to get out, not only told her to get out, but also directly hit her, and with the help of the servants, she got up in embarrassment, with a look of astonishment and disbelief.

She is the delicate daughter of heaven, and no one has dared to treat her like this since she grew up.

Now, a man she finally fell in love with actually uttered bad words to her and even punched her, which made the woman's heart collapse.

"Presumptuous! You untouchables, do you know who my eldest lady is? She is..."

"Who is she to meddle in our business! We don't want her to sit here, so she should go. If we don't listen to good advice, she can't bear it until someone scolds her to get out. Isn't it cheap?"

Ling Tian said while looking at the woman who had changed from admiration to shame and anger, and then immediately to hatred, and said with a smile: "Didn't you ask my brother if he taught me to be polite? I have tried it now, you understand? This is how my brother usually educates me!"


What I hate most is that those superior people call her a pariah at every turn.

She neither steals nor robs, let alone hurts or kills at will, so why call her a pariah?
It's really a lotus in one step, you can step on the white lotus with your feet!

The woman felt that her self-esteem had been hurt ten thousand points, she stood up and said harshly: "You wait for me!"

"Wait and wait! Idiot!"

Although she is a disabled person, she has Di Wushang, Jade King Kong, and Flying Wolf by her side.With three Spirit Venerables guarding her, Ling Tian felt that his background was hard.

She didn't take the initiative to make troubles, so why do these people make troubles for her?
This feeling of leaning against a big tree to enjoy the shade is really good.

After the woman put down her harsh words, she left with her servant.

He is still a person with a bit of IQ, and he didn't directly let his servants go, making his death even worse.

After the woman left, Di Wushang's order was served.

(End of this chapter)

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