Chapter 524
Although he didn't eat delicious food in the Yuansheng Empire before, Di Wushang didn't break his promise.

This is another city they arrived in. After collecting the flying boat, after inquiring about it, they came to this restaurant for dinner.

Looking at the spicy red oil floating on top of the fragrant and slightly sour vine peppers, Ling Tian instantly felt his parotid glands secrete a lot of saliva.

Just as he stretched out his left hand to pick up the chopsticks, a piece of fat and thick rattan pepper fish was caught in Ling Tian's bowl.

Ling Tian swallowed with a smile, but the bowl was taken away.

Looking helplessly at Di Wushang holding her bowl, he was about to speak when he saw Di Wushang blew a cool breath on the rattan pepper fish.

The steaming hot fish suddenly dropped in temperature, and Di Wushang held out his chopsticks and handed it to her lips.

"Open your mouth."

Facing such a careful, gentle and considerate man, Ling Tian felt his heart was warmly wrapped by a warm current, and he was very moved.

He opened his mouth and ate a large piece of fish into his mouth.

"Eat slowly." After Di Wushang finished speaking, he suddenly remembered a question, and asked seriously: "Are there any thorns?"

Ling Tian felt that his tongue was going to be swallowed by this delicious fish, and while chewing, he shook his head: "It's really delicious, you should try it too."

Di Wushang couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva, picked up a piece of fish again, and sent it into Ling Tian's mouth again.

Before I finished a mouthful of fish, another mouthful of fish came again.And it's still a big piece, Ling Tian said that his mouth is a little too tight, and it's easy to get stabbed.

But the next moment, Di Wushang had already joined in.

The soft tongue rolled gently in her mouth, and the fish was gone.


=_=! !
How did she forget that this man is a clean freak?

In order not to let the bowls and chopsticks get dirty, he always likes to put things in her mouth for a while before eating.

Di Wushang chewed and frowned.At first he wanted to vomit, but after thinking about it, this was the food he picked up from Xiaotian'er's mouth, so with the mentality of not wasting it, Di Wushang finally swallowed the food with difficulty.

"How is it, delicious?" Ling Tian asked with a smile.


After Di Wushang finished speaking, his expression collapsed, and he said pitifully: "Little Tian'er, you must get better soon. I only like to eat the food you cook!"

Di Wushang felt that the food made by his little Tianer was the best in the whole world.

No one can taste better than the food made by Xiao Tian'er.

Ever since he ate the food made by Xiao Tian'er, he felt that he might never be able to eat other food in his life.

Compared with the food made by Xiao Tian'er, these foods only have four words—difficult, easy, swallowing, and swallowing!

"Where is it unpalatable?"

Ling Tian babbled while eating the food that Di Wushang brought to her mouth, she really thought it was so delicious that she almost swallowed it with her tongue!
"It's just unpalatable! It's super unpalatable! It's completely incomparable with yours!"

"Please! They specialize in opening restaurants, and I'm just doing it for fun. Although the things I make are okay, they're okay at best."

To be honest, she really didn't feel how delicious the things she made were.

"You'd better give me the chopsticks. I was born with a well-developed left and right cerebellum, so I can eat and write with my left hand."

The point is, Di Wushang's feeding speed is too slow, he can't keep up with her rhythm!

(End of this chapter)

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