My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 534 You are just an ant!

Chapter 534 You are just an ant!

"Uncle Huang, what do you mean?" the emperor looked at Prince Li and asked in a deep voice.

"Nephew, you are a good emperor. have been sitting in this position for too long."

Prince Li blushed without panting, and took his plan to usurp the throne as a matter of course.

"So the emperor is planning to usurp the throne in front of the world?"

"Hey..." Prince Li sighed: "Originally, the emperor planned to let you take the elixir refined by Kawano, and let you be poisoned to death by Kawano in front of everyone. In this way, not only will you die, but Kawano will also die." He will also die, and his reputation will be bad. Immediately afterwards, Li Chengru will replace Kawano as the new chairman, and this king can also become the new emperor logically.

It's just that I didn't expect that in this world, there would be such a monstrous alchemy wizard who could accurately determine the true condition of your body just by looking at you. "

"So, uncle, are you going to beg me for mercy without a fight, or are you going to go all out and fight me with your life?"

"Between with life? Ximen Hong Guang, you think highly of yourself, don't you? To kill you, I don't need to use my life to befriend you."

"Uncle Huang thinks highly of me too. Even if my strength has retreated a bit now, I can still maintain above the strength of the ninth level of the Orange Spirit King. Uncle Huang is only at the eighth level..."

"Hahahaha, the me in the past really couldn't beat you. So even if you knew that this king has wolf ambitions, you never suppressed it. Because in front of you, this king is an ant. No matter how ambitious you are, you can't beat you Five Fingers Mountain.

But you didn't expect that, some time ago, Li Chengru worshiped a dynasty's fourth-grade alchemist as his teacher. As a gift for his teacher, the other party gave him a Yuanling Pill with a purity of [-]%. "

Hearing the words Yuan Ling Dan, the emperor's eyes suddenly tightened.

"So, now this king's strength has reached the height of the peak of the Orange Spirit King. Now this king looks at you, just like you once looked at this king, but you are just an ant."

Although the pinnacle is also level nine, the pinnacle means that you have reached the bottleneck of Huang Lingsheng. Once the bottleneck is broken, you can buy the level of Lingsheng.

The gap between Lingsheng and Lingwang is completely incomparable, so the gap between the peak and the ninth level is huge.

Both the emperor and the president of the alchemist guild looked extremely ugly at the moment.

The emperor said with a sullen face: "Uncle, don't forget, this is the alchemist competition, surrounded by warriors from all over the world, what do you think..."

"Hahahaha!" Before the emperor could finish his sentence, Prince Li laughed and said, "Being an emperor for so many years has made you so stupid that you don't know how cruel this world is!

Do you think they will make an enemy of an unfamiliar me for the sake of an unfamiliar you, putting themselves in danger?
You know, not joining at this time, just watching with a cold eye, is definitely much better than being on the wrong team and being pierced through the heart by a sword.After all, in the end it is you or I who own the throne, not them, why should they help you? "

"My imperial guards are outside."

"Hahahaha, it's a pity, the commander of your imperial guards was killed by this king before the start of the competition. So now the king is on duty. When the imperial army arrives, you will already be dead."

When the emperor heard this, his face sank.

(End of this chapter)

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