My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 535 Sows Can Seduce Men

Chapter 535 Sows Can Seduce Men

Originally the emperor was in a weak position, but in the end it was Prince Li who sighed first.

"Since Uncle Huang already has the chance to win, why bother to act regrettable? Isn't my fall what you most want to see?"

Prince Li said: "Of course I am happy that you are dead. I am just feeling sorry for this young master Ling."

Ling Tian frowned slightly: Who cares about her? !
"This Mr. Ling has amazing talents in alchemy, but he ruined this king's good deeds. It's a pity!"

Ling Tian: ...

"Prince Li, I have something to ask you."

Suddenly, Vice President Li stood up.


"Prince Li, this Mr. Ling came to participate in the alchemy competition with his elder brother. His elder brother was favored by the little girl before, and I feel that since Mr. Ling is a second-rank alchemist, his elder brother must also be a second-rank alchemist." The thing in the pool, so I want to be bold and ask Prince Li to spare this young master Ling.

After the little girl married his elder brother, this young master Ling will also belong to us.With his attainments in alchemy, I believe he will definitely bring unexpected surprises to Prince Li. "

Prince Li was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly burst out laughing.

"It turns out that there is such a relationship. Good! This king is also a person who cherishes talents. Then choosing a date is worse than hitting the sun. After this king's matter is resolved, let your daughter and his brother get married!"

"Okay. Thank you, Prince Li!"

After all, Vice President Li looked at Miss Li and said, "Thank you, Prince Li."

Miss Li blushed, and quickly leaned over to thank: "Thank you, Prince Li, for marrying the young lady."

After all, he also took a look at Di Wushang who was not far away with a gloomy face, his eyes were full of arrogance.

Ling Tian opened his mouth slightly, she had no idea how a coercion drama would be staged on her head.And while speaking, it seemed that her Fenghuang family had become Miss Li's man.

"Damn it! A bunch of idiots! You say you get married when you get married? Did you ask my opinion? You really ended your sister's marriage! Shameless idiot woman, do you still have any shame? With your looks A lowly person who wants to be picked on by a hooligan, but actually wants to match my brother?

You don't urinate and take pictures of yourself. For a woman like you who can ward off evil spirits during the day, prevent pregnancy at night, and protect against lightning in bad weather, why are you so embarrassed to speak up?

Even when you were sitting next to us for dinner, my brother couldn't help but tell you to get out of here quickly, and now you still want to marry my brother!Do you disgust him so much because you think all the women in this world are dead, so sows can come out and dance striptease to seduce men?

Let me tell you, even if all the women in this world are dead, my brother will never look at you! "


After hearing Ling Tian's words, the onlookers and alchemists burst into laughter.

It is true that Mr. Ling not only has a vicious eye, but also a vicious mouth.

The point is, after he finished scolding, people who thought Miss Li was pretty before now thought she was really ugly.


Ling Tian's venomous tongue made Miss Li's chest heave violently with anger, tears welled up in her eyes, she looked at Vice President Li with extreme aggrievedness, and choked up, "Father!"

And then wept.

"What a sharp-toothed, yellow-mouthed kid, it seems that not only do you not understand what it means to be unforgiving, but you are also ignorant of current affairs!"

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(End of this chapter)

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