Chapter 538

"May I ask that the elixir refined by Mr. Ling is a second-grade Qingling elixir?"

After all, Kawano is the president of the alchemist's guild, and through the ingredients of the pill prescribed by Ling Tian, ​​he could tell at a glance that what Ling Tian was about to refine was Qingling Pill.

"It's called Qingling Pill." Ling Tian nodded.

The president smiled and said: "If the Qing Ling Pill can detoxify the poison in the emperor's body, then there is no need to bother the young master. The young master is a noble person, and he only needs to point out from the side."

Although the president said so, but as a second-rank alchemist at the same time as Ling Tian, ​​he believed that his attainments in alchemy must be more exquisite than Ling Tian.

But now, they are still relying on Ling Tian to support them, so Kawano can't speak too arrogantly.

But Ling Tian could hear the meaning.

"President Kawano, just now you said that the Hemolytic Pill you refined is [-]%?"

Kawano was taken aback, then nodded: "Yes, I just didn't expect that the blood-dissolving pill would be the emperor's life-threatening talisman. Fortunately, Mr. Ling reminded me, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

Ling Tian ignored his politeness and asked, "Then what is the highest purity of the elixir you can refine?"

Kawano replied with some pride: "The purity of medicines like Qingling Pill can reach [-]% in the best case, but it is [-]% in general, and rarely lower than [-]%."

"But the poison in the emperor's body can only be removed with more than [-]% of the green spirit pill. Right, Vice President Li?"

After listening to Kawano's words, Vice President Li, who hadn't had time to let go of his sinister smile, was taken aback at the moment, and was seen by everyone before he even had time to let go of that smile.

"What, ninety percent?"

This time, not only President Kawano, but even those alchemists who came to participate in the alchemy competition were all shocked at this moment.

The pills are divided into common pills, advanced pills, special grade pills and top pills.

Ordinary elixirs refer to elixirs with a purity of less than [-]%.

High-grade elixirs refer to elixirs with a purity of more than [-]%, and all such elixirs are produced with elixir.

Super-grade pills refer to pills with a purity of more than [-]%. This kind of pills are extremely rare. Not only can they exude a long-lasting and refreshing fragrance of pills, but there are also pill patterns on the pills.The higher the purity, the more pill lines on the elixir, and the more precious the elixir.

And above [-]%, there are top-level elixirs, that is, elixirs with a purity of more than [-]%.This kind of elixir is refined and put in a bottle, no matter how many times you open the elixir bottle, a pill cloud will rise in the bottle.Danyun is very beautiful. According to the grade of the pill, it is divided into seven colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple.

"Even if it's a seventh-rank top alchemist in the Central Continent, it would be difficult to refine a first-rank or second-rank pill with a purity of more than [-]%?"

Although there are grades of elixirs, but the purity of over [-]% top-grade elixir, even if it is only first-grade, may be more popular than ordinary sixth-grade or seventh-grade elixir.

It is very rare for Kawano to refine a elixir with a purity of more than [-]% and with pill patterns, but Ling Tian actually asked to refine a elixir with a purity of more than [-]%.

This is absolutely impossible for him.

"Young Master Ling, can it can refine a elixir with a purity of more than [-]%?"

The emperor grasped the key points in Ling Tian's words, and his voice trembled slightly.Those alchemists who traveled thousands of miles to participate in the alchemy competition, all looked at Ling Tian excitedly at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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