My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 539 Are You A Funny Bibi Invited By A Monkey?

Chapter 539 Are You A Funny Bibi Invited By A Monkey?

A high-level alchemist and a top alchemist of the same level are completely different concepts.

For the former, as long as everyone finds a way to upgrade their strength and alchemy levels to that level, they can become alchemists of that level.But for the latter, everyone is an alchemist of the same level, but the other party can have different alchemy effects due to different refining methods, techniques, and control of the heat.

Like the latter, if they learn a thing or two, maybe their alchemy skills will have a qualitative leap.

Compared with high-level alchemists, of course everyone admires the top alchemists of the same level.

Facing everyone's expectant eyes, Ling Tian nodded: "En."

Not to mention [-]% of the elixir, as long as she is willing to waste her mental power, she can refine [-]% of the elixir in each furnace.

There was an instant uproar at the scene.

"Mr. Ling, the villain is already 430 years old this year, and the end is coming soon. After living for so many years, the villain has never seen a top alchemist that only exists in legends. So the villain has a merciless request! I don’t know if you can allow us to observe while you are refining alchemy. We promise that we will never disturb your alchemy.”

Chairman Kawano's self-proclaim has changed from an old man to a subordinate, and finally to a villain, which shows how much he respects Ling Tian.

Looking at the expectant eyes of Kawano and the alchemists, Ling Tian nodded generously: "Okay."

Anyway, her alchemy was purchased with karma points, and she could directly possess this skill without any effort.So in the face of a group of alchemists who are full of thirst for knowledge, Ling Tian feels that if others can learn some alchemy skills from her and refine better pills to serve others, then her skills can be regarded as for civilian use It is for the people.

Seeing that Ling Tian agreed, all the alchemists gathered around one after another, trying to block Ling Tian's surroundings.

"The old man suggested that this high platform should be handed over to Young Master Ling so that he can concentrate on alchemy. All those who come to participate in the alchemy competition, please watch outside the high platform with the old man."

Soon, on the high platform, everyone withdrew from the high platform except Prince Li and Vice President Li who were still motionless in the air.

Obviously, what everyone wants to see more at this moment is not the killing of Prince Li, but watching a young prince refine a top-notch elixir with a purity of more than [-]%.

Ling Tian processed the medicinal materials needed bit by bit.

Although processing medicinal materials was the most basic task, the alchemists who were watching stretched their necks one by one.For fear of missing even one step.

Although Ling Tian could only move his left hand, no one who didn't have a good eye said "I'll help you organize the medicinal materials".

After the medicinal materials are arranged, alchemy can begin.

Opening the space ring, Ling Tian was stunned.

"Mr. Ling, is there a problem?" Seeing that Ling Tian never took out the alchemy furnace, Kawano couldn't help asking.

"Uh..." Ling Tian scratched his head: "Are there any materials for refining second-grade alchemy furnaces here?"

After buying the skills of a second-level alchemist, I forgot to buy an alchemy furnace by the way.Now she can't buy anything in the space until the loan is paid off.

So if she wanted to refine the pill, she had to first refine a second-grade alchemy furnace.


Can you drag him down and beat him to death?

The crowd was simply speechless.

This kid, he was sent by Doubi, right?

They all threatened to refine more than [-]% of the second-grade pills, but they didn't even have a second-grade alchemy furnace.

(End of this chapter)

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