My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 540 Slap in the face with facts

Chapter 540 Slap in the face with facts

"Young master Ling, I have a second-grade alchemy furnace," Kawano said.

"There are villains too."

"There are villains too."

The second-rank alchemists took out their alchemy furnaces one after another.

Ling Tian hurriedly waved his hands: "Your alchemy furnace is not good, and the increase in spiritual energy is not enough to support the elixir I have refined. Or... tell me where I can sell the materials for the alchemy furnace?"

As soon as Ling Tian finished speaking, doubts sounded from all around.

"It's probably a lie to refine [-]% of the elixir, right?"

"That's not right! As a second-rank alchemist, or a top second-rank alchemist, don't you even have a second-rank alchemy furnace?"

"Seeing that his brother is a master, I thought how powerful he is. Isn't this deceiving people's feelings?"

"Hey, boy, I have some materials for refining the alchemy furnace here, but you have to buy them with spirit stones."

"I have it too."

"I have it here too!"


Facing the cynicism of these people, Ling Tian was not angry, and exchanged spirit stones for materials with a good temper.

"Now that we have the materials, you don't want to tell everyone that there is no second-grade alchemist here to help you refine the alchemy furnace?"

The crowd laughed.

"I'm a second-grade weapon refiner." A martial artist onlookers said.

Everyone looked at him, and one person asked: "Then are you a second-rank top craftsman, can you refine a spirit weapon with an increase of more than [-]%?"

The man laughed and said, "I'm just kidding! I'm just a senior second-grade craftsman, and I can only refine spiritual weapons with a [-]% increase."

"That's definitely not enough. President Kawano's alchemy furnace has a [-]% increase in the spirit weapon, and he doesn't even like it. Alas, it seems that we don't want to see the 'top alchemist' show its strength today!"

The crowd laughed.

But soon, the audience was dead silent.


With a small sound from a flame, an orange flame appeared in Ling Tian's hand.

However, unlike the milky white Yanxin Pill Fire possessed by alchemists, the flame burning in Ling Tian's hand at this moment has a bronze-colored flame heart.

"Refining...refinement master!"

"My God! He turned out to be a second-grade craftsman!"

"Is there anyone in this world who can have Danhuo and Qihuo at the same time?"

"I don't know... I've never heard of it..."

"This kid is really against the sky! At such a young age, he is not only a second-rank alchemist, but also a second-rank alchemist!"

All the onlookers were shocked, and the warriors who originally gave up the place for the alchemists to watch, also stepped forward to watch at this moment.

All of a sudden, the entire viewing platform was crowded.

No one wants to lose sight of a teenage genius who first refines weapons and then refines alchemy.

Now, even if Ling Tian couldn't refine high-level spirit tools and elixir, everyone recognized it.After all, they have never heard of, let alone seen, a talent who can become an alchemist and a weapon refiner at the same time.

Even the emperor Ximen Hong Guang's eyes were full of astonishment and astonishment at the moment.

The materials needed for refining the alchemy furnace were picked up by Ling Tian with spiritual power, and placed on the fire to be calcined.Soon the materials of these refiners were melted into liquid, wrapped in spiritual power and suspended in the air.

Although his right hand is temporarily disabled, Ling Tian's left hand is like a light butterfly, flying in the air with a weapon on it.

The unique facial technique attracted all the alchemists and warriors present.Except for the sound of melting and fusion of materials, the audience was silent.

(End of this chapter)

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