Chapter 548
"The madam is the prime minister's daughter and the handsome wife, no one in this palace dares to disrespect her."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Hua Yukun and said, "Right, Prime Minister?"

"Hehe." Hua Yukun smiled and said, "The water splashed by the married daughter. Let's go Marshal Gu."

After all, the two flew up, flying at low altitude, and soon flew out of Hua Lixiao's sight range.

Seeing that Hua Yukun really left, Hua Lixiao instantly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sister is really married to an amazing husband. Presumably the entire imperial palace, except for the masters in the palace, only daddy and your husband can walk freely in the palace."

Hua Fuya came forward with a smile, and took Hua Lixiao's arm affectionately.

Hua Fuling also came forward, took Hua Lixiao's other arm affectionately, and said: "Sister, anyway, there is still some time before the banquet, let's go to the Imperial Garden for a walk, don't be with a lowly aunt and a lowly woman." kind of walk together.”

The identity of her aunt was originally a pain in Hu Ziqi's heart, and she tried every means to get rid of it.Now with Hua Lixiao, she is even more sensitive to these two words.

Originally, as an aunt, she was not qualified to argue with the daughters of Huafu, but the two not only talked about her, but also Gu Rui, which made Hu Ziqi feel rebellious.

Gu Qianchou loves Gu Rui and treats Gu Rui like her own son, so even if the two daughters from Huafu want to punish her, she can use Gu Rui as a shield.

"Who do you say is a bitch?" Hu Ziqi stood up angrily, as if defending her son.

"Whoever is a bitch, the son born to him is a bitch!"

Hu Ziqi was so angry that her chest heaved violently: "Miss Hua, I know that I come from a humble background, so it doesn't matter how you scold me. But my Ruier grew up with a golden spoon in her mouth. She is the young master of the Marshal's Mansion. It’s not something you can take lightly.”

Seeing Hu Ziqi's protective appearance, Hua Fuya sneered and said, "A person who made his son self-mutilate in order to blame my sister, do you think that if you push up your breasts, your breasts will become bigger? Bitch A son is a bitch, a son born to a bitch, in our Huafu, is a servant, a bastard!"

After all, amid Hu Ziqi and Gu Rui's anger, Hua Fuling smiled and said, "Sister, let's go. Wouldn't you feel sick to stay with this bitch? Hey, you have to put your brother-in-law in the future." Take a good look and let him get along with such a bitch less, or it will ruin his luck."

Looking at the backs of the three prostitutes of Huafu, extreme hatred sprouted in Hu Ziqi's eyes.

But soon, she hid this hatred, knelt down, and said to Gu Rui: "Rui'er, although others can look down on us, we can't look down on ourselves. You are a good boy. You're the best, you know that?"

"Yeah." Gu Rui's small body stood up straight.Facing Hu Ziqi's education, he nodded obediently: "Mother, don't worry. I will definitely practice martial arts well and become a strong man like Daddy. In this way, Rui'er can protect Mother. There will be no more in the future." People dare to speak ill of mother!"

Listening to the young master's words, Chengde's eyes were moist.

He felt that his young master was really a good boy!

Because of this, when the master came back with Hua Lixiao in his arms last night, her weight in the hearts of their subordinates fell to the bottom in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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