My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 549 Too much hatred

Chapter 549 Too much hatred

Such a domineering, domineering, unforgiving woman in front of her master and behind her back is absolutely not worthy of their master!

It wasn't until they turned a corner and got rid of Hu Ziqi's mother and son that Hua Lixiao coldly pulled her arms out of Hua Fuya's and Hua Fuling's hands.


In Huafu, as long as a woman is beautiful, her status is high.And Hua Fuya and Hua Fuling are rare beauties, so their status in Huafu has always been second only to her.On weekdays, he often made trouble for the original owner, and the relationship between the three of them has always been bad.

Facing Hua Lixiao's viciousness, the two also sneered, Hua Fuling said: "My sister is really crossing the river and tearing down the bridge. Anyway, we also scolded that woman for you, why did you tear your face in a blink of an eye? It really chills my sister!"

"What do you mean by helping me? Gu Qianchou's bodyguard is right behind her. Are you talking to him? So you think that after Gu Qianchou hates me and divorces me, you will have a chance? "

"Sister, what are you talking about? We just heard what happened on the day you got married and couldn't get angry, so we just want to help you get ahead." Hua Fuya said.

"Help me? Are you sure? You are so kind to me, do you need me to tell my father about this and let him reward you?"

The expressions of Hua Fuya and Hua Fuling changed one after another.

Hua Fuling tore her face and said, "Hua Lixiao, don't be ashamed of your face. Just now my father said 'the water poured out by a married daughter', do you know what this sentence means? Since you didn't return to the door, you have been She is no longer Huafu's daughter. So you should stop talking about your father. Do you think your father will forgive you?"

"Whether my father will spare me is none of your business. However, whether I should tell my father what happened just now is none of your business."


Just when the three were at a stalemate, a group of people walked towards the three.

"Hey, aren't these the three sisters of the Hua family, Hua?"

"It's said that the Hua family produces beauties. When I saw her today, she really deserves her reputation."

"Prime Minister Hua is the prettiest man in our West Continent besides the Emperor and Marshal Gu. Can his daughter be any different?"

The women who spoke were all well-known noble women in the West Continent.These people are either the legitimate daughters of powerful ministers' families, or the heavenly daughters of the first-class sects in Xizhou, and none of them are fuel-efficient existences.

But after seeing the three sisters of the Hua family, especially after seeing Hua Liming, everyone cast flattering glances one after another.

After all, this is not only the daughter of a prime minister who is under one person and over ten thousand people, but also the wife of the generalissimo of soldiers and horses.Absolute winner in life!

"This should be Mrs. Gu, right? The youngest daughter is Ni Caiyi, the daughter of the Shangshu Family of the Household Department."

"It's a pleasure to meet Mrs. Gu. I am the daughter of the head of the Xuantian Sect. My name is Hua Le."

"Madam Gu, I am the daughter of Marquis Xibo, and my name is Lin Qingwan."


All of a sudden, seven or eight women enthusiastically introduced themselves to Hua Lixiao, and Ping An left Hua Fuya and Hua Fuling behind.

For them, the future of these two people is uncertain, and it is not worth them to curry favor too much.

Hua Fuya and Hua Fuling were already proud and arrogant, but seeing this situation, their faces instantly turned cold.

"Mrs. Gu, today the Eldest Princess has a tea party in the Royal Garden. Anyway, the dinner will not start for more than an hour. Let's go to the tea party first!"

(End of this chapter)

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