My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 550 Pimping the Emperor Father

Chapter 550 Pimping the Emperor Father
After all, Ni Caiyi, the daughter of the Shangshu family of the household department, took Hua Lixiao's arm affectionately. When Hua Lixiao was extremely unaccustomed to this kind of intimacy, a group of people surrounded several young ladies of the Huafu, and went to the princess's establishment. tea party.

The tea party was held on the lawn of the imperial garden, just like the reception of modern nobles, in the form of tea, wine and self-service snacks.

The arrival of so many noble ladies instantly caught the attention of those noble ladies at the tea party. Everyone stood up politely and walked towards Hua Lixiao.

"It's Madam Gu."

"The one Marshal Gu newly married?"


"Hi, Mrs. Gu."

"Madam Gu, you are so beautiful, no wonder you can stand out from all the prostitutes in Huafu."


"Hmph, who am I supposed to be? It turned out to be her. What's the point of flattering her so much? Have you forgotten Hua Furui? At that time, many people at the scene also flattered Hua Furui a lot, right? But what happened later? So? You have given away so many things, and now you are going to the Nether Realm to find Hua Furui to come back?"

A cold voice sounded amidst many compliments, Hua Lixiao looked towards the owner of the voice, only to see a woman in a red dress, sitting in her seat coldly and noblely.

Hua Lixiao couldn't see her face clearly because the lower part of her face was covered by a red veil.However, according to visual inspection, this woman has a beautiful figure, and her exposed eyes are also a pair of beautiful peach blossom eyes, so she should be a beauty.

All the noble ladies in the audience were silent because of this woman's words, and no one dared to refute her.

It can be seen that the identity of the woman in red must be very difficult.

"Miss Hong's words are wrong. The so-called dragon has nine sons, each of which is different. Mrs. Gu's face is completely different from that of Hua Furui. Therefore, I believe that Mrs. Gu must be that kind of auspicious woman."

A gentle voice came, and then, a woman in a royal blue gorgeous palace dress came over.

Seeing this, all the noble ladies bowed down one after another: "See the eldest princess."

It turned out to be Huangfu Gongchen's eldest daughter, Huangfu Ningxin.

When Hua Lixiao heard the words, she was also ready to bow herself to the ceremony.But as soon as his body moved, his arm was supported by the eldest princess.

"Mrs. Gu, there is no need to be too polite. I felt like old friends at first sight with you. I wanted to be called your sister, but you are the imperial concubine's direct sister. Even my father called you Xiaomei, so I dare not call you a sister. So Mrs. Gu doesn't need to be too polite when she sees this palace, she just treats this as her own backyard, and if there is any need, just mention it."

It was rumored that Huangfu Ningxin's status in the palace was even higher than most of the princes, not only was he deeply loved by Huangfu Gongchen, even all the favored concubines in the imperial palace also liked this eldest princess very much.

Now that she mentioned Huangfu Gongchen as soon as she came, Hua Lixiao knew it instantly.

That day when he married Gu Qianchou, the way Huangfu Gongchen looked at her, Hua Lixiao knew what it meant with just one glance.

The eldest princess did not give anyone a chance to get in touch with Hua Liming, so she occupied Hua Lixiao by herself.

Although Hua Fuya and Hua Fuling came to the tea party with Hua Lixiao, the eldest princess just nodded her head slightly when facing the two girls' greetings, and then left the two Hua family who were not so good looking. The prostitute, warmly holding Hua Lixiao's hand, walked to the most beautiful place in the tea party.

(End of this chapter)

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