Chapter 551 Gu Qianchou This Rotten Pollen
After ordering people to bring a lot of snacks, the eldest princess said in a tone of her own: "The person who was wearing a red dress and a veil just now is named Hongyu. She is the head of the four saints of the Soul Palace." , and now serves as the deputy hall master of the Soul Hall branch in Xizhou."

"Hall of Souls?" Hua Lixiao racked her brains to find information about the Palace of Souls in her memory, but after all, it wasn't something she experienced, so she couldn't remember it for a while.

"Mengcheng, the master of the Hall of Souls, is the leader of the martial arts alliance in the Eastern Continent. The Hall of Souls is a first-class force in the Central Continent. Although the saints of the Hall of Souls are not very strong, they have a very high status.

Although the Soul Hall of the Xizhou Continent is only a branch of the Soul Palace of the Dongzhou Continent, the master of the Xizhou Soul Palace is also a spirit-level existence.Hongyu, as the deputy hall master, naturally has a distinguished status. "The eldest princess immediately answered Hua Lixiao's doubts.

When she said this, Hua Lixiao became even more confused.

"She is the saint of her soul hall and the vice-master of her Xizhou soul hall. What does this have to do with me? Why do I feel like she is full of hostility towards me?"

The eldest princess smiled lightly: "It seems that you really don't care much about Marshal Gu."

Hua Lixiao: "..."

"Hongyu fell in love with Marshal Gu at first sight. This is something that the entire Xizhou upper class knows. After your sister Hua Furui died, Hongyu became even more attentive, often using the power of the Soul Hall to help Marshal Gu.

So Marshal Gu is always cold on weekdays, but to her, there is still a little difference.If my father hadn't given you to Marshal Gu by mistake, Hongyu might be the marshal's wife. "

"I see."

Nima, this Gu Qianchou is simply a pile of rotten pollen!Attracts rotten butterflies everywhere!
"Where did the wild child come from? Do you know where this is? This is where a bastard like you can come in at will?"

"Who are you calling a bastard? Keep your mouth clean! I only came in at the invitation of the eldest princess!"

Although she was sitting far away from the entrance, Hua Lixiao still heard Hu Ziqi's voice.


Two clear and loud slaps sounded, and Hu Ziqi was slapped.

"You disgusting bitch, how dare you beat my mother, I'll kill you!"



"Rui'er! You...why did you beat my child? Who are you?"

"What identity? Hehe, it's really funny! Listening to your tone, is it possible that you still want to say that he is the son of the marshal's mansion? It's just a scum born by a slut. This lady just beat him. Do you still dare to Got into a fight with Miss Ben?
How dare you say that the princess invited you in, and you didn't take a piss to take care of your poor appearance!Let me tell you, those who can enter this tea party are at least the famous prostitutes of powerful families, or the prostitutes of first-class power heads or suzerains.

Even we dare not say that the princess specially invited us in. You, a lowly maidservant in the marshal's mansion, what right do you have to say in front of so many people that you were invited by the princess?

I hit you because I can't stand some people holding chicken feathers as arrows!Open your eyes and talk nonsense! "


"You, what are you? It's not that some rich and powerful people don't bring their concubines today, but look at those lowly concubines, which one dares to come to the princess's tea party? Let alone claiming that you were invited by the princess. Since you don't want face, then I'll help you smash your face, don't thank me!"

After all, the woman began to work from left to right, and the sound of "papa" was endless.

(End of this chapter)

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