Chapter 555
Although Hu Ziqi framed and made things difficult for her before, he believed that with Hua Lixiao's cold and heart-warming personality, seeing Gu Rui being beaten, he would definitely not sit idly by.

Feeling his trust in her, Gu Qianchou was slightly taken aback.I feel a little weird about this strange and familiar sense of trust.

Just when Gu Qianchou was about to stand by Hua Lixiao's side and speak for her, a nice male voice came from behind.

"I'm afraid this matter is a bit different from what Miss Hongyu said?"

Looking for the sound, everyone looked back, only to see a man in white clothes walking in elegantly holding a folding fan. Behind him were the Emperor of Xizhou, Huangfu Gongchen, and a silver-gray haired man with silver-gray hair. A man with pupils.

Although the noble ladies have never met the two honored guests that their emperor will be hosting today, the family members have greeted them all.

These two people were the reason they were invited to the imperial palace to attend the palace banquet today - Zhongzhou Qi Wangdi Wudao, and Zhongzhou Right Prime Minister Bei Xuanmo.

As long as they can get their favor and become concubines, not only will they flourish, but their families will also be protected by Emperor Xizhou and become an unshakable existence.

Because of these two people, Di Wudao is expected to compete for the position of the crown prince of Central Continent, while Bei Xuanmo is the right man who currently holds the real power in Central Continent and ranks at the top of the hundred officials. All the princes want to win over prime minister.

The noble ladies who originally thought that Marshal Gu was already eye-catching, now, after seeing Emperor Qi Wudao and Prime Minister You Beixuanmo, pink bubbles appeared in their eyes again. I don't pay much attention to things.

"Lord Beixuan, this is a private matter of Marshal Gu's family. Can't you bear it for a while because you like to protect flowers?"

Di Wudao spoke with some headaches, but after he finished speaking, he looked at Huangfu Gongchen, the great emperor of Xizhou who had been waiting for the development of the situation.

Although Huangfu Gongchen is the Great Emperor of Xizhou, his strength is the last of the Great Emperors of Wuzhou, and he was single-handedly promoted by Emperor Zhongzhou.So facing the people of Central Continent, he is completely a dog's leg.

Although Di Wudao said Beixuanmo, he had to act as he should.Although Huangfu Gongchen was also blaming Beixuan Mogou for meddling in the rat's business at this moment, he still said hehe:

"King Qi, don't talk about Mr. Beixuan. If he could bear it so easily, Mr. Beixuan would not be so popular with girls."

After listening to Huangfu Gongchen's words, Bei Xuanmo laughed, and raised his eyebrows at Di Wudao in shock: "Did you hear that?"

Di Wudao sold Beixuanmo for a good deal, but pretended to be speechless and shook his head.

However, facing Beixuanmo's attitude, Di Wudao was still happy.After all, before coming to Xizhou, his relationship with Beixuanmo was not that good.But after coming to Xizhou this time, he felt that Beixuanmo's attitude towards him had changed.

If he could really gain the support of Beixuanmo, then his chances of defeating Emperor Wutian and Emperor Wuzheng and obtaining the position of crown prince would be greatly increased.

So at this moment, everyone's eyes fell on Bei Xuanmo.

Including Flower Dawn.

"Lord Beixuan, what the little girl said just now is absolutely true. The little girl also couldn't help but teach this woman a lesson because she couldn't bear to see Aunt Hu and the child being beaten."

(End of this chapter)

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